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Full Version: Making PM topical?
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Just wondering.
I thought I remembered a post on this but can't find it.

If I took an ainternol cap, broke it into some coconut oil and rubbed it on my skin - would this help? Or does the powder need to be finer?
Also, if this would work. Besides the breasts. Where are good places to rub it?
I wasn't sure if Putting it down below on the T's would help them with the E producing. (Or shrinking)
(18-04-2016, 08:23 PM)Darla Wrote: [ -> ]Just wondering.
I thought I remembered a post on this but can't find it.

If I took an ainternol cap, broke it into some coconut oil and rubbed it on my skin - would this help? Or does the powder need to be finer?
Also, if this would work. Besides the breasts. Where are good places to rub it?
I wasn't sure if Putting it down below on the T's would help them with the E producing. (Or shrinking)

so, here is my take on it: since PM is an herb, making a tincture out of it may be possible, Use a 80-90% proof vodka, 3 parts alcohol to 1 part herb, shake vigorously once a day, store in dark cool area for two to three weeks, shaking once a day.. if it works like other tinctures, it should be readily absorbed transdermally( through the skin) . you can then take the PM drops and add to lotion, (advisable to allow to air for one day for alcohol to evaporate leaving pm essence into lotion).
For what it's worth, the Ainterol branded cream itself uses their own powder in the cream (along with their extract).

So that's promising, although I assume it's the extract that helps the cream pack (more of) its punch.