Breast Growth For Genetic Males

Full Version: I'm trying to list everything someone can do to feminize themselves.
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So basically this all started because I wanted to refine my goals towards feminization. I felt that they weren't quite... encompassing (enough). Anyway, what I'm doing now is trying to list all of the big categories for things that I (or anyone really) can do to get themselves closer to womanhood. Please, let me know if I've left anything out.

Voice (pitch, resonance, speech pattern, etc.)

Body (NBE, body hair removal, weight, fat %, WTH ratio, hair cut, etc.)

Movement (posture, walking, high heel practice, etc.)

Clothing (the many facets of crossdressing, underwear to outwear)

Makeup (self explanatory)

HRT (Herbal or Pharma)

Hair/Nail/Skin products (nail polish, moisturizers, dyes, etc.)

Sexuality/Sensuality (aneros/dildo use, exploration of senses, etc.)

A note: I'm trying to only focus on "pre-fulltime" actions. So yes, I could be listing laser hair removal/electrolysis, orchi, tracheal shave, FFS, SRS, etc. but at the moment, those are not my focus. Again, if anyone has any ideas of any big (or small) things that I've blatantly missed, please, let me know.

edit: one more thing, once the big categories are set in stone, I'll plunge in and start actually categorizing the small stuff.
Thank you so much for this Dana. Excellent thread.
I think you hit them all except the hardest one. Your head.
How do you always act the woman.
In a confrontation most women scream and run, most men grab the closest weapon and protect.
I never have figured out how to shift out of that frame of mentality.
Could be because I'm not fully TS.
Thanks again
That's a very good point Happyme, and frankly something I struggled with putting this together. How do you really quantify 'thinking like a woman' as opposed to 'thinking like a man'? And even if you could, how would you turn that into a goal? There's a writing trope, which could admittedly be complete b.s., called The Mind Is The Plaything of the Body. Basically, it means that if you change your body, your mind is liable to change along with it. I know that the times that I've crossdressed, or felt a significant change from my herbal regime, I do seem to find it easier to 'think like a woman'. Now, is that my imagination? Maybe, but it seems to at least have some effect. As it stands, I decided to omit the mental category, but it hasn't left my consideration. At this point, the only direct source of mental change I can see is the change in hormones, but if I can think of anything else, I'll definitely give 'mind' its own category. For now, the mind will have to be the plaything of the body.
Sexuality and sensuality
Penetration, of herself; thinking aneros to refocus sexual pleasure.
Sensuality, not just the silk and satin in clothing, but also the feelings inside, enjoying the grace of her body and the wind on her skin. .

Hi Dana

I fully understand the whole "thinking like a woman" thing (trust me, I really do). And there is no doubt they do think differently to a man. But what is it to actually think like a woman? If you ask a GG I doubt even they could give you a clear answer to that question? And in my observations there seems to be far more variety with women and their mindset and thinking that there is with men? So how can we define what it is to "think like a woman"?

But is trying to get the mind of a woman actually missing the point a little? How can those of us who grew up and became adults with the male side of us on display (tried to word that carefully :-) ever fully understand what it is to be a female? As empathetic as we may try to be, could we ever truly understand what it would be like to go through a female childhood, adolescence and puberty?

If I may presume, perhaps what we are really trying to find is a feminine version of ourselves? Even if a magic girlie pill existed where I could suddenly become fully female, I would still want to know I was me. All be it in a gorgeous and gurlie wrapper ;-)

To find and uncover our true feminine selves can be a wonderful voyage of discovery. To manage that cheekily little wiggle that feels just right, to reach out for a cup and notice your hand moves with a subtle grace you never had before. To begin to really FEEL! To know your emotions are no longer being drowned out by testosterone and you are seeing and feeling in full Technicolor for the first time, and know from now on this will be your new norm, your new life. What a wonderful journey that is to undertake.

But the thing is. It's our journey. We are becoming ourselves. Our genuine selves. Truly being a woman is not all about heels and makeup (thought they are fun). It's being able to wear trainers and sweatshirt and still feel feminine. To still feel you, but this time the real you.

Or to put it another way, we are not trying to make ourselves female, we are discovering the woman we have hidden within and let her shine out? And somehow that doesn't seem so daunting.

Perhaps I got a little carried away with the prose but hope you got the idea :-)

Wow Huggie

thats a post and a half , love it

At first I thought I was maybe am Bi gender as when I go girlie as stated before I seem to switch brain hemispheres and actually go left handed,

now whether this is hormone induced or thought pattern ?

dont know

but it definitely happens and I change completely

Definitely agree that sexuality/sensuality should be on the list Dianna. I think it didn't occur to me off the bat because part of my program involves keeping away from such things (for now). (Which I just want to add is entirely personal, I think anyone should explore these to their hearts content if they want to). I'll add it to the list.

What's up Huggy? Yeah, I think I get where you're coming from. For one thing, it is really hard to define "thinking like a woman." So really, I think as a goal, it's pretty much impossible to shoot for. I also agree that the thinking side is probably more of an excavation rather than a implementation. A matter of self discovery and "revealing"/activating this hidden side of yourself rather than drumming it up from scratch. Another reason why at this point, I'm decently convinced that the physical changes (hormonal included) are enough to sort of "lure out" this side of yourself. I did have a few thoughts, however, that there might be certain meditation/visualization/or mantra practices that could help ease the mind into accepting its feminine side. But that'll take more thought and research to nail down.
I can't understand the "think like a woman" part in some ways. I think my posts elsewhere show a certain antipathy to some of what passes for "thought" in MOST people... I'm a bit cynical.

Here's something to consider, though: Women are traditionally seen as the passive partner. Submissive. Not in the "I don't do anything, I only respond, I'm a doormat for others" sense, but in the giving, nurturing, assisting, lifting others up. She doesn't go to the moon; she raises the engineers, the astronauts, the physicists, the software developers, the dreamers... Plants dreams in their heads, picks them up when they fall down, fixes their boo-boos... She gets her entire ego gratification through others.
This is true from the selection of her mate, to the adoration and infinite love her children reflect back at her. (And there's a reflection there, I think. Line from The Crow: "Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children.")
Also, we need to act and react on emotion. Not the "if it feels good, do it" type, but on the positive emotions, again, focused on helping others. We're NOT the star of the show if we're feminine. We're the support team, and we know there'd BE no show without us - but we're not the ones taking the first bow.
Example careers/jobs: Daycare, nursing, teaching (mostly thinking young children, by 10 or so there should be men teaching, masculine energies are needed to mold and control developing boys into proper men.)
Software QA also comes to mind, technicians, TAs and PAs, secretaries by all names.
Work on multi-tasking, and learn to hold multiple ideas in your head, and conversations, at once. E.G., a woman can carry on three parallel conversations almost simultaneously. Gets enough of the context to understand the message of each, and craft a response to each.
Men are more single-focus creatures. They can move mountains because of it, but they're very different in that focus. Emulate the women. (I'm jokingly thinking of Spock in Star Trek 4, after he was regenerated on the Genesis planet, and re-training his mind. Two or three jeopardy-style questioning consoles running at once, forcing him to change focus and mental frame to answer as quickly as possible. Could be done with multiple computer monitors running separate programs; can be done at meetings and in conversations.)

And the more masculine the mind, the more you need to work on FEELING things. Practice crying when something is sacharine-sweet - and make sure it's tears of happiness (different chemistry!) - so you must NOT think SAD thoughts to get the tears going. Rather, think how sweet it is, and how you should be weeping for joy, and empathize (NOT sympathize - see with the person. Try to FEEL what she is feeling, and then amplify it - objective being, to train your brain to feel that way in similar circumstances.

I also would quietly point out, I DID think and feel that way for most of my life. Too emotional for a man, I'm hurt and scarred because of it. That's normal for TG/TS, I think, because we're straight-jacketed into this life of masculine "privilege" where we're seen as the disposable sex. Taught to be tough, to not feel, to not show emotion, except anger. I think it is even more destructive than our actual condition. I posted a while back about John's Hopkins head doctor stopping their SRS program because many of the patients still committed suicide after SRS (GRS). He doesn't understand what's actually happening, though, he's conflating cause and effect. Most of us have PROBLEMS, all capitals, and we're doing our best to deal with them. If you have NO demons, you won't commit suicide. Sex is unimportant, gender is unimportant. But force someone to live in a box? They're going to have PROBLEMS... Examples are easy to find, humans who were raised by animals are a good source. Tarzan (Sir ???) was real. Mowgli, the Wolf Boy, too. Tarzan walked like an ape, and Mowgli ran like a wolf. Not like the movies! Now, not sure, but I think Tarzan was brought back to England, became a "celebrity" (sideshow freak type of celebrity, but in high society), and when he could he went back "home" - and later killed himself. The Wolf Boy died from illness, I think, due to massive deformities of his bones. Crushed his internal organs, basically.
What happened to them in physical AND mental state, is exactly what's happening to us. We are just embracing our REAL minds here.
We find out the box has been removed, but Mowgli and Tarzan still can't stand and walk upright. We've been taught to walk like an ape or wolf, and our bodies have been used to adapt that way, and now we're being laced into a new corset that forces us to stand up straight. It's even more painful! Eventually, we might adapt... But the scars and deformities will still be there. J-H Doc doesn't think it through. We have the injuries from the world's treatment of us. Those patients didn't commit suicide because they GOT SRS. They developed problems from trying to cope WITHOUT SRS, or even validation of who they were! You'd be a bit F'ed up, too, Doc! Try likening it to PTSD. We laugh about drive-bys because they don't happen where WE live...
But any of you who do? I know when a car backfires, you're kissing the concrete. Like more than a few vets, that first sound moved you to the ground before you you knew it had happened...

So we need to open those pathways back up, and part of that is - we're allowed to cry. To feel joy and cry. To be sad and cry. To be overwhelmed with emotions. To flirt from the submissive (yielding) side. To "love up" the cute puppy... Just because. To be silly! To be Cute! To be immature! Play with a dolly, just because! Color a page or a fuzzy poster! Pierce something, or get a tattoo on a whim! To NOT think through every little detail!

After that polemic... :-P
Well, in my past, I've cried over breaking an icicle. Literally cried over spilling milk. Cried over the loss of a pet, of course. Cried over breakups. When my father died, I don't know if he even knew who I was; I couldn't talk, can't even think about it, without almost weeping. I literally never said good bye, and he was so drugged up (and blind without glasses) that I don't think he knew me. And I think that if he KNEW me - I.E., the gurl me - he'd disown me. I used to be a great listener, and I had NONE of the interests of a "normal" boy. Not interested in running faster, hitting the ball, competing... but I could talk to the girls in my class all through grade school. (To be fair, we were all screwed up. Boys AND girls.) I stay away from chick-flicks because I CAN lose control of my emotions. (and if I show weakness with this woman, she'll use it against me.)

I'm somewhat nurturing, especially for a man. (Though I can't stand children any more, but I think that's more a discipline thing. The parents should be whipped for allowing the little beasts to behave the way they do. Next door neighbors, for example, the girls are screaming all day and most of the night. They're old enough to know better. And you can hear them when they're inside, outside, where ever! On the bus, they're running around screaming! 7 and 10 years old, howling like banshees. Never a word - just screaming. But hardly unique. If they were 2, it would be a different story.)
When I was younger, I was better. Tongue

Walked like a girl, talked like a girl, liked to get my nails painted, was a teacher's pet (not a tattle-tail), disliked getting dirty from a fairly young age (Call it 7 or so, no more playing in the mud.) Then again, I also grew up in the 70s, and my parents - for all their railing against the world - were actually pretty invested in it. I LOOKED girlish, too. Mom kept my hair long, and I had no muscles and no mass until I got fat in my early teens. (IE, T boosted my appetite, but I didn't have the activity to develop muscles; and no E to make girl features develop, it seems, except I had boy-boobs from maybe 12?)

Our bodies grow to reflect our psyches.
I'm "armored" via fat. Masochistic in my training (punish the girl out of me.)
So this gives us a hint about how to fix things...
Get rid of the tensions, the fears, the mental damages. Don't imitate the girl, release the girl.
Look at the cute boy (it's not gay if you're a girl.)
Flirt with the cute girl. (Girls flirt all the time, it's also jockeying for social position.)
DO NOT react like THE MAN. Be as dainty and delicate as possible. People-watch and see how women behave (again) and re-learn how to be one. Make smaller motions, occupy less space, look smaller. Smile often, especially at "big, scary" men. (Obviously, context is important. Don't go grinning like a loonie, and not in the men's locker room! And "big, scary" is a girl mindset - she can be 6' 300#, and she'll still see me as "big, scary" despite being bigger. Doesn't mean she's afraid, just that she's assessing things, and smiling is a reflexive action for her, so she breaks down his defenses without saying a word. Her smile says she's not a threat to him.)

Other things that might help, dance. Specifically looking at belly dance. It makes the hips move, which most of us would benefit from, it adds to grace and delicacy in movement, and especially dancing the woman's "following" role, you'll get used to being led, to being passive and supportive rather than the motivator.

Hope I don't derail the thread with this post. I considered splicing it in as a new thread with a link, but that didn't feel right, either...
SHORT suggestion...

External Prostate Massager, you can look it up on amazon if the link doesn't work.
But WRT changing sexuality, that would be part of it. Allows a "cowgirl" ride, I'd think... (Haven't tried, funds have been severely tight as mentioned elsewhere.)
Planning on trying a few things now that I have some breathing room, but we'll see how much the car repairs cost, and how much I can pay off on the credit cards... THEN I get to look into my "restructuring." But by using this and no touchies, or better yet, a PVC angle-bend (gurls don't get hard), you'd learn to internalize things more. Touch the belly, the breasts, use the breast pump (while riding the massager), force the clit to stay soft all the time... It's a refocusing or remapping of the erotic mind and arousal. If with a partner, he or she would be allowed to initiate all the time, basically, to make you respond.

Well Dianna, that certainly gives me a lot more to think about. Thanks for the detailed explanation.
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