Breast Growth For Genetic Males

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I understand that a lot of NBE products can be taken sublingually, but what about BO? Can I break the caps open and take it this way? Would it make a difference? Or does BO have to go through the liver?
From experience BO is kind of nasty tasting, I'm not sure how long you could hold it in your mouth without gagging. BO doesn't seem to fully dissolve in water, so sublingual absorption probably won't work very well.
I've tried it but I didn't like trying to hold what tasted to me like mildly beef flavored saw dust in my mouth.
I don't doubt my ability to keep it under my tongue, PM tasted like tangy sawdust as well lol. I'm just wondering if it will work better this way.
(27-08-2015, 01:58 AM)GamerGuy Wrote: [ -> ]I don't doubt my ability to keep it under my tongue, PM tasted like tangy sawdust as well lol. I'm just wondering if it will work better this way.

I am rather dubious due to the lack of transdermal migration. I would think the molecules would need broken down more, or be with a carrier of sorts.