Breast Growth For Genetic Males

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The bladder thing suprised me!

I was going to post about a bladder weakness problem but suspected the PM and SP had a hand in it!

Embarrassingly, I had about 3 'incidents' that just happened out of nowhere with a 10 second warning!

Now I've been off them both for about 4 months, it's solved itself, however, my weight redistribution to a more manly state has been unsympathetic!

I've never read anything about phytoestrogens contributing to Type 2 diabetes, but lowering testosterone levels will lead to insulin resistance, or so they think. What they know is there is a correlation between diabetes and low T in men. Of course, it is also about the ratio of T to E. If E is too high relative to T, it can cause problems, but that is more about aromatization than anything.

As for the OP's perception of sweet tastes, diabetes does alter the ability to sense sweet, but it tends to go in the opposite direction. That is, most diabetics can sit down to 1-lb (454-gram) bag of cookies such as Oreos or Hydrox and never get that queasy feeling that a normal person would get after less than half the bag. In fact, one way to tell if you're probably diabetic is the ability to eat large quantities of sugar without feeling sick to your stomach. You might get other symptoms like fatigue or burning eyes, but you probably won't get a signal to stop eating all that sugar.

Given that women generally have a better sense of smell, perhaps the enhanced sense of sweet is the result of the feminizing effect of NBE herbs since smell is a component of taste. Then again, maybe it is temporary. Years ago, as a teen, I had a sinus infection that altered the taste of everything I ate and made everything taste salty regardless of how little salt was in the food.
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