Breast Growth For Genetic Males

Full Version: And the now increasingly important thought ...
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never really been too worried about appearance - this seems to be changing.

How do I go about weight loss - particularly stomach down - until recently never bothered me, now, the thing that I spot when looking 'top down' at my cleavage, is the stomach/abdomen below!!!!

Its not that I am a sloth, I just love food and drink - need a good yet hedonistic regime to sort it!!!!
I remember filing that..... 9 month later I had dropped 50 pounds and was eating right and getting healthier.... I love food too so every day is a constant battle to keep it off.... almost 10 years now..... I started exercising every day.... eating less per meal.... no snacks after dinner.... more vegetables and fruits.... exercise... lol I got back into playing ice hockey which is amazing cardio.... You just need to make a plan and stick with it.... I step on the scale Everytime morning to see how I'm doing and how much I can eat that day....
While I have not been as dedicated to it as I should be, I also find that stepping on the scale every morning so that I know what I should do that day for food and exercise is the only way to keep my weight controlled.