Breast Growth For Genetic Males

Full Version: 2 months on PM
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Been on PM for the past 2 months
1000mg PM and 1800mg SP
starting to feel aching and tingling around nipple area

(29-05-2013, 05:47 AM)andielee Wrote: [ -> ]Been on PM for the past 2 months
1000mg PM and 1800mg SP
starting to feel aching and tingling around nipple area

It sounds like you're making progress! Smile

indeed but feel very irritated when scratch the chest /nipple area
(30-05-2013, 08:24 PM)andielee Wrote: [ -> ]indeed but feel very irritated when scratch the chest /nipple area

That's a good thing. BUT DON'T SCRATCH IT! Better buy some bras or camisoles or something out of silk or some other nonirritating material. Bras can be any material since the idea is for them to NOT MOVE. But camisoles should be nonirritating. If you can find a silk mens undershirt that works too if you're not quite ready to present as female...
AbiDrew85 thank you for your advise[/b]