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Hormones and herbs under crossfires in the UK media


For all the knocking the NHS gets I cannot thank them enough as I for one would certainly not be here now!
For emergencies they are fantastic, for general run of the mill stuff they are good, but for other stuff I'm not so sure, now admittedly, I only contact them if it's serious so I will defer to giving them the benefit of the doubt.
That said, I very much doubt they would let anyone 'try' a prescription drug without some real hard evidence that the drug was needed. My presumption is that if there is no physical / scientific reason they will not prescribe, so have to default to psych referral to get the evidence they need to justify any medication.
Thankfully, I have never had any doubts about being trans, I know I'm not, but I do feel for anyone who has struggles with issues trans, sexuality, mental issues. 
I'd like to get on HRT through the NHS but very much doubt it'll happen unless I go through gender clinic & psych first!

(07-05-2024, 10:17 AM)wee2er Wrote:  I'm in teh UK, and think this has been happening on and off for a while.
When I started on HRT I bought my E two or three times, then for reasons unknown the banks put that supplier on their banned list!
I now use Vanna InHouse, fingers-crossed they stay under the radar.
I hope so too.....don't they realise menopausal cis women and cis women woth hormonal problems use E too?...I actually know two people who've used this site who are cis women because there were shortages on the nhs..... bans like this only serve to Hurt everyone, at the stake of a incredibly small group of marginalised people. It really is PATHETIC.

(07-05-2024, 10:42 AM)prostatenipple Wrote:  
(07-05-2024, 10:35 AM)prostatenipple Wrote:  I've been curious about E - I assume it's not something I can just take for a week or two to see how it works for me?

I should have expanded on this ^^^^^
I just don't think I can go to my GP and ask for 2 week's supply of estrogen, just to "try it out". I mean, it would probably raise red flags for them (especially because I'm on TRT), but how else would I know if it fits me better and whether I'm actually trans (that test in the other thread suggested I might be).

So the only way to do that, is via phyto (like PM), or underground sources.
If the NHS made it easier for people to try either way (they probably still want to make sure you know the risks / side effects etc), it might help people work out which way they want to go: stay male, or get closer to transitioning. But at least it wouldn't have to be all hush-hush with shame and embarrassment.

But hey, it's the NHS after all (they won't give T to a male that wants to be a male, until their T levels drop so much that they are < 8 nmol/L usually, like an 80 year old male level, for like a 30 year old). So I'm not convinced they would be sensible with my proposal above.
That's a good point actually, i don't think there are any informed consent clinics here. 

I can understand as to why a doctor might not give you two weeks E to try out, but that doesn't mean that it should be made as bloody difficult as it actually is. Surely there has to be some sort of middle ground between the informed consent and harry Benjamin system?..... I'm a believer that people should be able to do whatever as long as they aren't hurning anyone. So support phyto hrt and bovine ovary ect and online hormones. 

And I agree the NHS would probably do better let people try first under a closely monitored environment instead of the system we have now. there's a lot of shame and embarrassment,  heck even I feel it about myself. I'm in a similar boat to you, so I'm going to try phyto first or bovine ovary. To test the waters and then probably proper hrt later. 

And you're indeed right, that is the NHS they won't give you treatment until your arms hanging off or your half

I also strongly advocate for medical independence in a way that we're the sole owner of our bodies and free to do with our meat spacesuit what ever we see fit. Even stupid things because I believe in free will. I think we have a right to live and right to die too and do what ever with our own bodies, who else can dictate it for us anyway? How could anyone else have the right to it? Nothing is as personal property as your own body, its the only thing we truly own in this life.

So yea, all for self determination and DIY medication when it comes to transitioning and body modification for what ever purpose. I hate gate keeping nanny state! Its evil, unnecessary and its pushing trans people to suicide. I would rather want to see us get the help we need, legally and made accessible enough so that no one needing it wouldn't be left without, but desperate times need desperate methods so grey market then if there's no other help.

Interestingly, Finnish media has not got a whiff of this at all and I certainly hope they wont because that could tighten the noose badly.

It's nice to see what we  agree in our principles..didi

Also I hope none of this reaches you in Finland either,  it really sucks big time.

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