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Question on Anti-Androgens


A few years ago I tried both BO and PM (not simultaneously) with no apparent affects and gave up.  I didn't want to take a large number of different supplements, but wanted to try again PM, paired with a anti-androgen, in hopes for more results.

What I find confusing and frustrating is that I keep seeing posts where people recommend taking Saw Palmetto, or White Peony, or Reishi Mushroom, along with PM.  But they never saw HOW MUCH to take, and I haven't been able to find the answer after multiple searches.  What do people recommend along with 2000mg PM?

Also, is it good to mix these anti-androgens? Or to stick with one? Genetic male looks for some minor breast growth. Thank you.

For some good information, go to the pages below and see what Lotus wrote. Hope this helps.

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