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When to relax and when to be concerned


Hello lovely people,

Before beginning herbs, I did a lot of reading to familiarize myself with the basics and risks. Blood clots, liver, kidneys, dosage, etc. I’ve been using between 500 and 1500 PM and 500-1000 Reishi a day for about 11 months and had some nice results. (I’m 32 y/o.) But whenever I get a cramp in my leg or a twinge of pain in my tummy I find myself worrying that I’ve gone and given myself cancer or something. 

What would you say are actual causes of alarm? I do my best to keep up with exercise and drink plenty of water, to back off my dosage whenever I get leg cramps (which is rare) or feel intuitively that my liver could use a break. I’m wondering if I could avoid all this and be safer by going the pharmaceutical route, with a very light dose of estrogen, but I worry that I would experience too much feminization and sterilization (I present male in public most of the time). Plus I don’t want to get tied up in the medical system, I value my privacy.

Apologies if this has been covered somewhere, I’m not doing myself any favors playing Google doctor lol.

I am not medical expert or a doctor. 

I feel if you have a random leg cramp or discomfort in your abdomen it could or could not be anything. I feel if it happens and then it's.gone and doesn't return it's prob nothing. If you have a cramp or ache and you had an intense workout or your not drinking enough water and it's hot out again it's prob not what you think. 

If it's a leg pain and doesn't go away or swelling and red ness. Or stomach pain discomfort that again that is persistent then you should prob go get checked out. Even if it's not all the time but always happens say once a week or a few times a month and it's always the same place or side, location then it's prob not just a random cramp or discomfort.

When in doubt prob best to go be seen by your doctor anyways 

That's just my opinion and I no way medical advice. I hate saying go see the doctor bc I never go to the doctor for anything. I'd rather be ignorant and not know that I'm dying and then just die. Lol vs knowing and being told we can't do anything for you or we can try all these expensive procedures and medication which may not work and your quality of life will be absolutely horrible till you die. I'd rather just life my life and then bam dead. But that's just me. I'm pretty dark and morbid.

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