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Hip/Pelvic discomfort


It's been 16 months on BO and starting to get discomfort in pelvis/hips when I am sleeping, I imagine it's some pelvic tilt starting to take place, I have noticed it over the past few months but it seems more uncomfortable some nights.

Hi Tomi,

I have seen several vague references to "pelvic tilt" in posts here on BN. 
What is it? What causes it? What are the ramifications?

I have certainly had pain in my hips in the past, when on a regimen.
Always figured it was just a side-effect of the herbs that would go away when the herbs were discontinued.
Did not consider that it could be doing permanent damage.


Hi Karen,
From what I understand it's not permanent damage it's the body reacting to hormonal changes from the BO, causing the pelvis to shift to a position of females pelvic bones. I may have over simplified my explanation but it's common and is not causing permanent damage, it's just uncomfortable for a while until the body gets used to it.

Hmmm... I hope you are right. 
Posts that I have seen in the past were along those lines, as if the hip pain was a happy, reassuring milestone toward more feminine physical changes. 
I'm not so sure. 

Women with large breasts often have breast reduction due to the forward weight pulling them over and straining their back.
I could see if we added a couple of pounds or more to our breasts or butt, the weight shift could cause the body to align differently and produce pain in various areas.
However, the hip pain that I experienced seemed due, strictly to the use of the herbs (as a side-effect). There had been no significant weight changes at that point. 
When I took the herbs for a few weeks, my hips hurt. When I stopped taking the herbs, the pain subsided. 

However, I must say that my recent weight gain from BO does seem to make me walk differently, as if there is a change in my center of gravity.
Walking with a sway in my hips now feels comfortable and natural. It feels really good. 

I just find it hard to believe that the use of herbs causes some sort of reformation of the bone structure... but I guess it could, maybe.

Karen  Heart

My pelvic tilt happened around the 18th month mark on PM. For the record, I was on NBE for four years, and I've been on HRT for 3.5 years as of now.

I only found out about my pelvic tilt when I went to the doctor for a normal check-up and when you walk in, they check your height & weight.

When the nurse said, 5'9", I said WHAT !?!?! I've always been 5'11" I said! She checked it again and it was still reading 5'9". Every time I go back to the doctor, it's still 5'9". Losing two inches in height was a huge shocker, but ever since I've just learned to accept it.

The longer you stay on NBE/HRT, you'll experience many changes. Your limbs will also slim, your calves & forearms, and even your feet & hands. I used to wear a men's size 12 shoe. Now I'm an 11. The fun thing is, I'm a 12.5 in women's lol.

My hands have also shrunk. Not only the overall length, but they are super thin now compared to the sausage fingers I used to have. I would seriously bet that my hands are at least a 1/2" shorter now.

Here in this link is probably the most in-depth explanation of all the changes that happens on HRT. It really is a fascinating article.

For what it's worth, I've never felt any hip or pelvic discomfort.

Wow! Thanks Stevenator. That was a very enlightening article. 

I'm starting to believe that pelvic tilt is a real phenomena related to hormone balance, for a couple of reasons. 

One, because I have lost 1.5" in height. I found out the same way that you did. When they measured me at the doctor's office and told me, I couldn't believe it. 
I have since checked it several times using different scales. Still hard to believe. I had attributed the loss in height, to age and spinal compression. Maybe it's not!

Then when I read that pelvic tilt lowered one's center of gravity and changes one's gait, well, that's exactly what I had recently experienced and noted in my previous post above.

However, I am not sure that hip pain is a reliable indicator that a pelvic shift is taking place or if the two are related. Again... maybe.

(20-12-2023, 09:45 PM)Karen Hart Wrote:  Hi Tomi,

I have seen several vague references to "pelvic tilt" in posts here on BN. 
What is it? What causes it? What are the ramifications?

I have certainly had pain in my hips in the past, when on a regimen.
Always figured it was just a side-effect of the herbs that would go away when the herbs were discontinued.
Did not consider that it could be doing permanent damage.

I don't know about pelvic tilt, but I have noticed that I walk differently. I have a more fluid movment with more hip sway. It kinda hit me all at once that this is my new walk. Never had this happen with PM but with 4 months of BO there are several small changes

Hi Toni68!
I can only guess that you may be experiencing some pelvic tilt or maybe some fat displacement to your hips and buttocks.

My butt started getting some extra fat at about 4 months. I really can't tell if my hips and bottom are more feminine but my panties fit much better, as does my bra. I only wish I had started taking measurements at the beginning on my hips and butt, I am sure my personal trainer can pull up my baseline, I should just ask her at my next weigh in and measurements.

I hope you are getting the results you expected. BO causes more hormonal changes that mimic a female hormonal balance, which may result in increased breast size and growth, lower T, higher E, and the pelvis to tilt how a females pelvis is situated. I may have oversimplified the process but there's tons of information here about how it all works.


(22-02-2024, 12:59 AM)tomi66 Wrote:  Hi Toni68!
I can only guess that you may be experiencing some pelvic tilt or maybe some fat displacement to your hips and buttocks.

My butt started getting some extra fat at about 4 months. I really can't tell if my hips and bottom are more feminine but my panties fit much better, as does my bra. I only wish I had started taking measurements at the beginning on my hips and butt, I am sure my personal trainer can pull up my baseline, I should just ask her at my next weigh in and measurements.

I hope you are getting the results you expected. BO causes more hormonal changes that mimic a female hormonal balance, which may result in increased breast size and growth, lower T, higher E, and the pelvis to tilt how a females pelvis is situated. I may have oversimplified the process but there's tons of information here about how it all works.


the place I am gaining fat is my thighs. What little bit is left downstairs gets in the way while walking or exercising. I just no longer have the room between my thighs

That makes sense. I know I have worked hard to keep the weight off, it's tough on BO, but I am doing ok, fat is just kind of redistributing to my breasts, butt, maybe hips, but I don't see that yet. It's been said, just look where you're mom or if you have sisters, where there fat is and that's more than likely how you will develop.

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