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Cheaper but good breast pumps?


What are so cheap but good breast pumps I can use?

Cheap cups can be fine, cheap pumps don't tend to have a guage this is very important especially when starting out, so you don't over pump and hurt yourself.
You can buy a cheap hand pump with guage in the automotive tools section of eBay and Amazon for about £10.
Then try cheap cups and see how you go, my cheap ones cracked when I sat up, so I spent £60 on a pair of Nooglberry ones, but I'm still using the £10 vac pump.
Hope that helps.
Danni x

I’m new here but I’ve explored nbe on and off for quite some time! Mostly with herbs but last week I became intrigued with trying a breast pump…I went to the local drug store and all they had were the manual pumps, but I decided I would try it. 

While I plan on buying a better one soon, I absolutely love this pump! It’s great for beginners and I love the feeling it gives me while I pump my breasts ?

I have cheap cups from Aliexpress and they do the job fine. Not as strudy as Noogle cups, but easily enough... Pumps don't go cheap, get a decent one with a gauge. NEVER use one without a gauge as you wont have any idea which pressure you're using and what you're feeling can be deceiving.

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