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Estrogen cream brands


What is the best brand of estrogen cream to use?

I don`t know what the "best" brand is, but Oestrogel is a good one, although it can be expensive depending on where you go. xx

(23-02-2018, 11:46 AM)Katie Wrote:  I don`t know what the "best" brand is, but Oestrogel is a good one, although it can be expensive depending on where you go. xx

What's another good brand and can it be found on Amazon

I`v no idea, I don`t use the stuff myself, but i`v heard that one mentioned a few times and it`s very often sold out, the only others i`v seen are estriol or premarin based, I wouldn`t recommend either of those.

(23-02-2018, 10:15 PM)Katie Wrote:  I`v no idea, I don`t use the stuff myself, but i`v heard that one mentioned a few times and it`s very often sold out, the only others i`v seen are estriol or premarin based, I wouldn`t recommend either of those
OH ok. Have you heard of life-flo estro  care

No sweetie, I`m more of a pills and patches kinda girl, the only cream I have is progesterone cream and that only contains 1:20 estrogen to progesterone, not enough to be of any use for the E content. xx

Ha!!! just came across this totally by accident, thought you might be interested:

price isn`t bad either! xx

(24-02-2018, 12:52 PM)Katie Wrote:  Ha!!!  just came across this totally by accident, thought you might be interested:

price isn`t bad either! xx

OH ok I am goin get progesterone cream and estrogen cream

Who here has used smoky mountain naturals estrogen cream? Is it a good brand?

I haven’t used their estrogen cream, but I’ve used several of their Progesterone Cream bottles. I’ve got two being delivered tomorrow. They’re 4 oz each for $18. I believe their Estrogen Cream is 2 ounces for $30. I’m tempted, but I also have an Antiquated Book Collection addiction that must be fed.

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