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Auzifreeks Teenage Mammories!!


ROFL!!  Big Grin Tongue Wink Smile Blush Rolleyes (ohhhh dearrrrr....!)

OK, so many people here are impressed by the pics I've posted and wondered about how I got that far, what program am I using, etc. Like I said before, everything you see is what I've already had for the past 25 years (I'm pretty sure), that happened to me in my teens. Let me relate to you everything that I can remember. (Some / most of my memories are going to be hazy/uncertain, not the least of which from 20 years of casual pot smoking.)

HRT: It must have been when I was around 14.5 at the very earliest, when one day the folks left me at home by myself to watch TV while they went to the shops. I was curious and a little horny too, so I went into their bedroom and checked the bedside drawers for some of Dads porno mags. I didn't find any, but instead I found a long pack of pills in Mums drawer. I remember looking at it briefly, and not knowing what they were, but I thought they were like vitamins, so I popped one out and took it. I can't remember if I noticed any growth changes in the next few days/weeks, maybe, but I'm almost certain I loved the naughtiness of it, so I snuck back in and took another one! This time, Mum noticed her supply vanishing and confronted me about, and I confessed, honestly saying I didn't know what they were, and said sorry. I think she might've warned me I'd grow breasts if I took anymore, but I guess I didn't believe her!

Herbal Tea: At 15, I loved watching tv and movies, and often begged the folks to let me stay up late (ie past 8:30!) to watch cool movies, but they always said no. Mum found a herbal foods shop, asked for something to make me sleep, and was suggested she try a certain herbal tea. I drank one cup of it every night, for how long is unclear, but I'll say it was at least 3 or 4 months, maybe 7 or 8 at most. I eventually asserted myself and said no more tea! It's still around today, and contains these ingredients (listed on their website): Chamomile, *Spearmint, Lemongrass, Tilia flowers, Blackberry leaves, Orange blossoms, Hawthorn and Rosebuds. (*Spearmint is the only one I recognize as having any good NBE effects, for AA.)

I definitely felt some growing pains in this time period, but I must admit, I either didn't think they were unusual for a growing boy, or just not serious enough to tell Mum about it. One day, however, I felt some serious growing pains! I was just sitting around my room one morning, reading comics, and I felt a kind of throb/ache in my chest. "That's strange, give it a scratch" I thought, and did. Ten seconds later, it was back again, a little stronger. Scratch scratch. Another few seconds, "Hey there it is again!" scratch scratch! "Holy #$%, its getting stronger!" and eventually, (within 60 seconds of starting, I'd guess) I felt what I can only guess was a surge of blood to my chest that almost brought me to the point of fainting! I got up and ran to shower, turned it on and jumped under the hot water (which in retrospect, wasn't the best idea I guess!), and let the hot water run over my chest for a few minutes, then used Mums body wash, which was:

Lavender: Every day, for a while at least (several months, maybe 3 or 4??) I was using Lavender body wash. I just loved and still do love the smell! Recently, I remember searching on Goog about the causes of gynecomastia in young boys, and they identified Tea Tree and Lavender shower soaps/body washes as the cause with their phyto-estrogens.

Licorice: For a while, I got a serious addiction to licorice, as it was one of the few things the folks let me munch on after dinner during TV. Mum and I went thru an average size pack (300 grams?) in 3 or 4 days together. This went on for a good few months, but she started buying different brands, and I tried them but didn't like them as much as the original, which I recall she couldn't find too easily anymore, so I stopped. The others were just too 'sour'. Can't say I noticed any feelings of growth during/after eating it, but I sure liked it!

Dandelion Root: For a very short time, less than a week in fact, I went to the local park to play around, and remember thinking on a hot day, "I wonder if I could get any water from some of the flowers growing around here?" The stalks were quite long, and I knew that plants need water, so I thought if I picked a few and munched on the stalks, I'd get some. Didn't get any water, and quickly went off it due to the taste.

I think that's pretty much it, in terms of sources of E that could've caused my gynecomastia. So according to my best recollections, I reached the size I am at now by no later than 17, probably late 16? By 19, I started using marijuana casually and that has continued to present day – not huge amounts, usually 2 grams with a little baccy, 3-4 days a week (probably the smallest you can get in the US, nickel bags I've heard them called in movies). In my twenties, I heard about the association with pot and moobs, and wondered if so, why haven't I grown anymore? The only answer I can think of is the tobacco mixed in prevented it getting where it was needed/killed it off, or I wasn't doing enough or strong enough. I wish it had caused more growth!! If so, I'd be at feminine DD's by now!  Big Grin
I guess I'm lucky in that my breast growth has been quite symmetrical (even) on both sides, yep, they look identical in shape and size to me!  Cool I think maybe I should use some PC (by itself?) and see if that does anything for their roundness/shape/size! Opinions, especially from Lady Lotus?  Blush

I never had any chest hair growth, except for 6 or 7 tiny hairs in the gap between my breasts that I've just never had the heart to cut/shave off, and a few around my areolas. I always wondered why my chest is so bare, but never really hated it!

On reflection, I think the AA from all that tea and licorice must have been the cause of my lack of genital growth! Seriously, I think my genital growth has stalled at stage 3 - my junk is no longer than 7 cm and my testes are about 5 cm long and 3 cm wide. So I must already have less T than the average guy, I've always suspected I might have some kind of E dominance! (Just for starters, sometimes I do get hot flushes during the day, and sweaty during the night, though maybe that's just the bedding I forget to change from Winter into Spring!  Rolleyes Blush ) I did quickly learn how to talk in a deep voice though. I still have my blood test results with EVERYTHING about my body they could get and did post them on here about Jan this year (haven't done any NBE since then, so nothings changed (hope)) and could easily post them again if anybody wants. I think Lotus asked me for some 'reference levels'?

So there you all have it, that's all I can remember about my teenage years and breast growth. If you have any questions or comments, I can't wait to hear them!

Well, I suppose you could of altered your hormones and substituted them at such an earlier age that it helped.   Sounds plausible.


The NBE ingredients you listed can have an impact on breast growth, as far as the teenage hormones go?, you definitely kicked the door open lol. 

I did check the January test results, I conclude your T was mid-range genetic male result and low E (25pg/mL).......250 pg/mL is normal female range, in other-words you have some room for improvement.  Wink

On female hormones, what I've found is the following for breast growth:

Estrogen-elongation or horizontal growth of mammary duct cells

Progesterone-receptor activation/side-branching of mammary gland cells, buildsdensity and areolar gland development.

Prolactin-expands areola (too) and projection of areola.

* Activation of ER-α causes elongation or horizontal growth of mammary duct cells. Progesterone receptor activation causes side-branching of mammary gland cells. Density, areolar gland development, and gland lactation development are caused by prolactin receptor activation.

Hi iaboy and Lotus!

Thank you for your responses - @iaboy, yeah that sounds pretty much like what happened. In fact, I'm sure I read somewhere online (not here, Annie Richards, I think) that starting hormone treatment at/before a persons puberty is what is recommended for the serious TS/G folk who know what they want.
@Lotus, thanks so much for your input, but I gotta say, your conclusions don't match my 11 month old records  Huh Allow me to re-post my records (as I remember you said you wanted those 'reference' #'s, hope they make sense to your usa #'s! ???)

Test:       15.9  nmol/L (Ref 8.0-27.9)
SHBG.:    21     nmol/L (Ref 18-54)
FAI:        76                 (Ref 38.7-98.7)
Free T:   435.7 pmol/L (Ref 243-571)
Prolact:  241    mIU/L  (Ref 86-324)
Oestrad: 90     pmol/L (Ref 28-156)   (you said 'low E (25pg/mL)'  WT??)
Proges:  1.5    nmol/L (Ref 0.7-4.3)

and yeah, I guess 435.7 for Free T is a reasonably big number, I just don't see how that matches my Stage 3 testes!  Huh Oh well! Big Grin

As my breasts are the 'East-West / Widely Separated' kind, if I were to introduce E, should I likely get 'elongation' ('the theoretical 3rd Dimension') growth? That's what I want/need/hope for, that way I should start to develop cleavage!!  Smile Big Grin Big Grin
I always think my breasts are more semi-spherical than 'conical' (makes me think of the Madonna bra! Eeeeek!!) PS spot the pop-cult reference there!  Tongue Cool

Auzi        (ps. sorry for using large font before, typed it up in a .doc and pasted it into here, couldn't re-format all of it.)

Damn thing posted my reply twice  Angry

Picograms or Picomoles- hey I didn't invent the damn thing, I interpret the ranges.

online conversion:

E2 ref range for male

10-40 pg/mL

E2 ref range for premenopausal women 15-350 pg/mL

Endo's are reluctant to go over 250 pg/mL (low in my opinion, it's a start though).

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