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how did you come by your name?


This is a question for all the cross dressers, transvestites, dual-spirited and Mtf transsexuals and trangenders.

How did you choose, or come by your feminine name? Is there a reason or backstory to it?

For me, there were a trio of sisters that went to the private school i went to. I chose two out of the three names for my own. I like names that are melodic, not monosyllabic or flat sounding like ann as an example ( sorry to all the ann's out there :p ).

I liked Candace from the show Phineas and Ferb. I also empathized with Dr. Doofenshmirtz, who was turned to a life of evil by horrid parents.

My cis name was more like an abbreviated version of my legal name change. Being im half white, half asian origin, my name was unique and not my chosen gender friendly. However adding two letters to the end of my cis-name made it a female name which made it easier for my friends and family to handle. Calling me by my cis name by them would only make sense to those who didnt know my past would percieve it to be merely a abbreviated version of my current name. Hope all that made sense.

Well, it's a roundabout way. My exwife's name was Micheal, with the eal instead of the ael that would indicate a male's name. Her dad wanted a boy. We were in a female led relationship and I was cuckolded, and eventually sissified. My male parts aren't very big, so I chose Lilmikey. That's been my onscreen name for years. Recently one of the members here, Happy, referred to me as Lil. I like it. So I think that I'd like Lil to be my name from here on.

I chose Ginger because my Fav porn star was GingerLynn, Hmm I just remembered, I confused her with AmberLynn. DAgnabit... Ok from now on you can call me AmberMaxim. LOL!!!
And Maxim because I am not in transition as Maxim is a guys magazine.

AKA AmberMaxim


My mum does not recall the conversation, but when I was still a child she once told me Jannet would have been my name if I was born female. Its just a name that has always stuck with me for that reason.

I use a couple of female names
Christina is the femme version of my given name
Dee is a version of "D" which my wife calls me as it is the intial of my last name. I do not know why she has always called me by my last name, just shortened it to the inital or maybe the word when i started down the sissy road

It was a spur of the moment choice when signing up to this forum. Chosen from Ellen Ripley. ^_^ Also going by Nicola Tesla which is growing on me... Still using my male name in real life and a male pen name for my books.

Off topic, Tesla was an understated genius... if Edison wasnt pro-conglomerate money grubbing, the world would be a very different place technology-wise. His (Tesla) free airborne. energy system was and still is one of the best inventions ever.

Lol. Don't get me started, Tanya! Tesla is a god!

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