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your love story


Sammie, I feel like Bonita about your love story. Its sad but happy at the same time.

Thanks, Peggy. Shy
What can I is what it is, you know?
Somedays, especially rainy days like today, I can be pretty sad ( and with the hormones, I cry suddenly and out of nowhere) but most of the time I find a way to keep smiling. Friends help a lot. Wink

Oh Samantha, I keep going back to this thread and rereading you story but words kept failing me.
I'm sorry you went through all of this but I believe god works in mysterious ways, it hurts to be betrayed like that but as the girls said you were finally able to come out and embrace what you've always been feeling. Maybe that's gods way of making you finally stay true to yourself, even if it was a horrible way. don't be sad, I understand you're hormonal and it makes you feel like the world is working against you sometimes. But there's so many horrible things going on in this world that we just need to be more positive and stop bringing ourself down. Enjoy being a woman, if you have negative people in your life then cut them off. Start enjoying all the things you've missed out on all these years of being a man. There's no reason for this story to END just yet. Keep writing your story, all I see is a great beginning, what you think is an ending is merely a turning point in a story, the real good events awaits you.

Thanks AA! You girls are so sweet.
Like I have said before, its just odd to now be facing a third act I never expected. I hope it turns out better than the second act.
I guess as long as there are some big dance numbers I will be ok. Lol

Mine is no where as cute as any of these.
The guy I was with for six years was storybook material but he was very emotionally abusive so I will opt out of sharing that one.

Okay so when I was 14 my bf at that timem lived in what we call transitional housing. Something you're put in after juvy if your parents refuse to have you released to their cusotdy and I would go visit him there. One guy would let me in without providing I.d but I was always told by my bf not to come when the other supervisor was in for he was 'stricter' . We would still hang out when the cute beach bum looking super visor would be working but I was never formally introduced. I'd admire him from afar as it seems us girls do but for obvious reasons would never speak to him. Okay so fast forward six years and I'm twenty and living with these two alcoholic men. Both of which would opt for picking fights with me instead of each other but before it came to that we lived together without issue for a year. The first winter we lived together was great and anyway one day I was walking my dog and while hiding my face from the wind almost walk in to this guy whose smile seems so fimiliar. Random but whilst thinking about the fimiliarity I notice the WiFi names in the area and see "Kirk" and decide he must have been my sister's first boyfriend so I forget about him and don't see him again anyway. Forward to the time where my room mates get really in to the Booze and my friend who used to live in the houses next to mine gave her old neighbour of said houses to check up on me. His name was Mark and at the time he was halfway across the country for two weeks as the best man of his brothers wedding. during that period of time I didn't really have much of a support system and this sweetheart would keep me calm, promising to come help me deal with my move that was inevitable and sending me beautiful Vancouver scenery photos to keep my spirits up. It was all really sweet of someone whom I've never met. He gives me his Facebook but all of his pics are really pixelated so I still don't really know who he is. He comes home from bc and we hang out... Much to my surprise it's BEACH BUM! I leave minutes upon coming over to his house (he lives in 36 and I in 38) excusing myself as 'having to go do laundry at my mom's'. Now, remember when I said he said he would help me with my move? Well it came sooner than intended and he helped me pick out new furniter, he delivered and set it up for me Smile that night he slept over and we took turns with sleepovers every night until we moved in together and have been inseparable ever since. (:

If it isn't obvious we also have a 7 year age gap. Doesn't he look so young though?!

Oh, Beckums, you two are so cute together! He looks really adorable. I love a happy ending! Thanks for sharing!

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