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PC for BPH/Breast Growth


(17-02-2014, 06:09 AM)Mistress~Lotus Wrote:  
  • Prolactin and progesterone may enhance ductal outgrowth by inducing ERα expression.
  • Activation of ER-α causes elongation or horizontal growth of mammary duct cells. Progesterone receptor activation causes side-branching of mammary gland cells. Density, areolar gland development, and gland lactation development are caused by prolactin receptor activation.

Check pages 5 thru 9
Hormone Action in the Mammary Gland

I found these statements and wanted more info, granted, some of the info comes from sites that are selling products. However, not much easily identifiable info is given while researching for PC and Bio-males without a product being offered or from a scientific abstract which are difficult to decipher.

(5-alpha reductase inhibitors such as finasteride are usually given to prevent the conversion of testosterone to DHT, but research has found that progesterone is a natural inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase.)

Read more:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Progesterone 5alpha-reductase-

  • Progesterone is used in hormone therapy for transsexual women, and some intersex women - especially when synthetic progestins have been ineffective or caused side-effects - since normal breast tissue cannot develop except in the presence of both progestogen and estrogen. Mammary glandular tissue is otherwise fibrotic, the breast shape conical and the areola immature. Progesterone can correct those even after years of inadequate hormonal treatment. Research usually cited against such value was conducted using Provera, a synthetic progestin. Progesterone also has a role in skin elasticity and bone strength, in respiration, in nerve tissue and in female sexuality, and the presence of progesterone receptors in certain muscle and fat tissue may hint at a role in sexually-dimorphic proportions of those.

Progesterone may effect male behavior: 'Progesterone receptors mediate male aggression toward infants' PNAS 2003 100: 2951-2956; 10.1073/pnas.0130100100

More interesting facts:

  • Men need it to make testosterone and for the adrenal glands to make cortisone
  • Progesterone in males is created during testicular production of testosterone
  • Men with BPH (swelling of the prostate) and other male related problems report that they experience some relief with progesterone cream
  • Progesterone has NO feminizing characteristics
  • Men report that it helps them with complexion and increases energy
  • It is believed to help balance the estrogens that build in a man's body
    because progesterone levels drop, estradiol levels rise, and testosterone changes in form in older men
  • Adding progesterone back into the body helps restore normal inhibition of 5-alpha-reductase, thus preventing testosterone from changing into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which stimulates proliferation of prostate cells
  • If men have low progesterone levels their estradiol levels can increase. This increase can lead to cancer of the prostate, just as it leads to breast and uterine cancer in

Progesterone cream can help to reduce the prostate size. Progesterone's inhibitory effect on 5 alpha reductase is far more effective than Proscar which is standard agents used in traditional medicine to cure BPH. All men over age 40 should consider natural progesterone replacement therapy, or even earlier if there is a history of prostate caner or BPH. The amount needed is 8 - 12 mg a day (1/8 tsp -1/4 tsp twice daily). Men should apply directly to their scrotum (testical sac) twice daily. This allows it to get into the prostate receptors.

Characterization and localization of progesterone 5 alpha-reductase from cell cultures of foxglove (Digitalis lanata EHRH)

Role of 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors in the management of prostate cancer

A high affinity inhibitor of pituitary progesterone 5 alpha-reductase.

  •  Progesterone is used in hormone therapy for trans women and some intersex women - especially when synthetic progestins have been ineffective or caused side-effects. Progesterone restores estrogen receptor sensitivity. 
  • Normal breast tissue cannot develop except in the presence of both progesterone and estrogen.
  • Mammary glandular tissue is otherwise fibrotic, the breast shape conical and the areola immature.
  • Progesterone can correct those even after years of inadequate hormonal treatment.
  • Prolactin and progesterone may enhance ductal outgrowth by inducing ERα expression.

  • Activation of ER-α causes elongation or horizontal growth of mammary duct cells. Progesterone receptor activation causes side-branching of mammary gland cells. Density, areolar gland development, and gland lactation development are caused by prolactin receptor activation.

  • Adding progesterone back into the body helps restore normal inhibition of 5-alpha-reductase, thus preventing testosterone from changing into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which stimulates proliferation of prostate cells.

(28-02-2014, 12:39 AM)Mistress~Lotus Wrote:  Hi all,

Considering the following statements about progesterone, I'm surprised it hasn't seen more attention, although it was in an obscure post from 2007.

  • Progesterone is used in hormone therapy for transsexual women, and some intersex women - especially when synthetic progestins have been ineffective or caused side-effects

  • Normal breast tissue cannot develop except in the presence of both
    progestogen and estrogen.

  • Mammary glandular tissue is otherwise fibrotic, the breast shape conical and the areola immature.

  • Progesterone can correct those even after years of inadequate hormonal

It does relate to this though:

  • Prolactin and progesterone may enhance ductal outgrowth by inducing ERα expression.

  • Activation of ER-α causes elongation or horizontal growth of mammary duct cells. Progesterone receptor activation causes side-branching of mammary gland cells. Density, areolar gland development, and gland lactation development are caused by prolactin receptor activation.

And this is a big deal too!
  • Adding progesterone back into the body helps restore normal inhibition of 5-alpha-reductase, thus preventing testosterone from changing into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which stimulates proliferation of prostate cells.

That's really intresting bit of research . I will have to look up herbs with progestrone Smile
My business takes up so much of my time that little time is devoted to looking up information . I am a member of AYURVEDIC group on linkedin and have many intrsting articles which I would like to post with links regard health issues , but that would be off topic on NBE forum Sad

(28-02-2014, 04:17 AM)myboobs Wrote:  
(28-02-2014, 12:39 AM)Mistress~Lotus Wrote:  Hi all,

Considering the following statements about progesterone, I'm surprised it hasn't seen more attention, although it was in an obscure post from 2007.

  • Progesterone is used in hormone therapy for transsexual women, and some intersex women - especially when synthetic progestins have been ineffective or caused side-effects

  • Normal breast tissue cannot develop except in the presence of both
    progestogen and estrogen.

  • Mammary glandular tissue is otherwise fibrotic, the breast shape conical and the areola immature.

  • Progesterone can correct those even after years of inadequate hormonal

It does relate to this though:

  • Prolactin and progesterone may enhance ductal outgrowth by inducing ERα expression.

  • Activation of ER-α causes elongation or horizontal growth of mammary duct cells. Progesterone receptor activation causes side-branching of mammary gland cells. Density, areolar gland development, and gland lactation development are caused by prolactin receptor activation.

And this is a big deal too!
  • Adding progesterone back into the body helps restore normal inhibition of 5-alpha-reductase, thus preventing testosterone from changing into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which stimulates proliferation of prostate cells.

That's really intresting bit of research . I will have to look up herbs with progestrone Smile
My business takes up so much of my time that little time is devoted to looking up information . I am a member of AYURVEDIC group on linkedin and have many intrsting articles which I would like to post with links regard health issues , but that would be off topic on NBE forum Sad

Depends right?, I think health and NBE go hand and hand, so if we can talk about gender we can certainly talk about health.

But if your concerned about where it should go, there's the " Any other Subject Sub Forum"

(28-02-2014, 05:36 AM)Mistress~Lotus Wrote:  
(28-02-2014, 04:17 AM)myboobs Wrote:  That's really intresting bit of research . I will have to look up herbs with progestrone Smile

Unless something has been discovered very recently, as far as I know the only plant based source of progesterone was discovered about 2 years ago and is in very very small amounts in the leaves of, from memory, a Walnut tree!

As for progesterone affecting the shape of the breast, I'm sure it does. I took Microgest for a few months about 18months ago and I definitely had a rounder shape, but as soon as I stopped taking it I started to sag, just like a post-menopausal woman. So if you choose to start it, there is no stopping, unless you want to loose shape.

(28-02-2014, 07:19 AM)Pansy-Mae Wrote:  
(28-02-2014, 05:36 AM)Mistress~Lotus Wrote:  
(28-02-2014, 04:17 AM)myboobs Wrote:  That's really intresting bit of research . I will have to look up herbs with progestrone Smile

Unless something has been discovered very recently, as far as I know the only plant based source of progesterone was discovered about 2 years ago and is in very very small amounts in the leaves of, from memory, a Walnut tree!

As for progesterone affecting the shape of the breast, I'm sure it does. I took Microgest for a few months about 18months ago and I definitely had a rounder shape, but as soon as I stopped taking it I started to sag, just like a post-menopausal woman. So if you choose to start it, there is no stopping, unless you want to loose shape.

Yikes !! That's me out than Sad

(28-02-2014, 07:19 AM)Pansy-Mae Wrote:  
(28-02-2014, 05:36 AM)Mistress~Lotus Wrote:  
(28-02-2014, 04:17 AM)myboobs Wrote:  That's really intresting bit of research . I will have to look up herbs with progestrone Smile

Unless something has been discovered very recently, as far as I know the only plant based source of progesterone was discovered about 2 years ago and is in very very small amounts in the leaves of, from memory, a Walnut tree!

As for progesterone affecting the shape of the breast, I'm sure it does. I took Microgest for a few months about 18months ago and I definitely had a rounder shape, but as soon as I stopped taking it I started to sag, just like a post-menopausal woman. So if you choose to start it, there is no stopping, unless you want to loose shape.

Thanks Pansy, that is interesting. I thought it was also interesting concerning the application of PC on the boys for BPH treatment, and how much a factor 5-ar, is reported from using it. Applying 2x daily?? Wow!, the smell is horrid.

The use of PC for breast growth was found beneficial for tuberous/fibrotic breasts. Using it sparingly for the reasons you listed would be a good idea. I'd like to hear more testimonials from users that applied directly. Or feedback regarding application sites, for instance, applying on the upper breasts and small amounts on the sides.

Concerning the new plant based, the research study is posted below, I also liked hearing about how progesterone is in some of the foods mentioned. Or that progesterone is now being used to treat traumatic brain injuries.

Occurrence of Progesterone and Related Animal Steroids in Two Higher Plants#,

But I also found this study alarming:

Progesterone may effect male behavior: 'Progesterone receptors mediate male aggression toward infants' PNAS 2003 100: 2951-2956; 10.1073/pnas.0130100100

(28-02-2014, 05:08 PM)Mistress~Lotus Wrote:  Applying 2x daily?? Wow!, the smell is horrid.

The smell of what, prog cream? I used two pots of PC about three years ago, with no obvious effect ( which I think was because I simply didn't have enough breast tissue for it to work on, at that time), but it didn't have much smell at all, just very lightly perfumed perhaps.

(28-02-2014, 05:08 PM)Mistress~Lotus Wrote:  Occurrence of Progesterone and Related Animal Steroids in Two Higher Plants#,

Yes, that is the info I was thinking of. Originally published in 2010, prog identified in the English Walnut tree. Plus a related chemical found in members of the Buttercup family. Neither really help us though, unfortunately! I have loads of Buttercups in the patch of jungle I laughingly call a lawn, but I have no intention of doing a cow impression ( 'silly cow' impression, maybe!!!Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin).

(01-03-2014, 07:35 AM)Pansy-Mae Wrote:  
(28-02-2014, 05:08 PM)Mistress~Lotus Wrote:  Applying 2x daily?? Wow!, the smell is horrid.

The smell of what, prog cream? I used two pots of PC about three years ago, with no obvious effect ( which I think was because I simply didn't have enough breast tissue for it to work on, at that time), but it didn't have much smell at all, just very lightly perfumed perhaps.

(28-02-2014, 05:08 PM)Mistress~Lotus Wrote:  Occurrence of Progesterone and Related Animal Steroids in Two Higher Plants#,

Yes, that is the info I was thinking of. Originally published in 2010, prog identified in the English Walnut tree. Plus a related chemical found in members of the Buttercup family. Neither really help us though, unfortunately! I have loads of Buttercups in the patch of jungle I laughingly call a lawn, but I have no intention of doing a cow impression ( 'silly cow' impression, maybe!!!Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin).

Ah the PC smell, it reminds me of vapor rub!Rolleyes, I've tried others that have very little aroma but are more expensive and are half the size. Source Naturals is the one I'm talking about. When you use it, everyone else knows you're using it too, lol.

I think I saw you're foliage in a recent photo, almost as tall as you!. Cool

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