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Do you hide your NBE products?


Hello breast friends. Smile

I know this topic has been touched on before, but I think it may be best to give this its own thread. As the title asks, do you hide your NBE products (if at all)?

For me I would say not really. I live alone and I'm not the type to host parties or other types of social gatherings. I keep my progesterone cream in my bathroom since I like to use it right off I finish showering in the morning. I keep it in a cupboard along with other items like q-tips, deodorant, razors, etc. As for my NBE pills I keep it in a drawer along with the rest of the supplements I take on a regular basis.

No I don't hide them, the PM is in bathroom Med cabinet.
My pumping domes I do keep out of sight in the nite stand beside my bed along with other assorted treasures.
Being born blonde if I hide them I may never find them again.

Dont hide mine,
I do put them on the wifes side of the bedroom shelves though



I don't exactly hide them, although I keep them in a drawer. I have various family members who come and go, and most of them have no idea that I am taking or have any interest in NBE. My wife knows about it although we have not discussed NBE in great detail beyond identifying what I take. She is a nurse and I know she is skeptical about efficacy and safety, although she has accepted and supports what:-) I am doing.

I absolutely hide my NBE!

Now maybe being 25 and living with my family of 6 puts me in a different position than most, but I personally wouldn't like to explain to them what this stuff is. I don't think they can wrap their heads around it just yet.

I'd rather be the one telling than have them discover my things..
Which this far in is bound to happen sooner than later!

no don't hide them Wife knows what I'am doing and is supportive

That's quite an interesting question, I'm just starting out on my journey, but I had a bit of a think about this before I started. I'm not really hiding what I am doing, but neither do I need the "20 questions" from family members. My answer was to hide them in plain sight, they are mixed up with all my other stuff (toiletries, deodorants, vitamins, pain killers etc.) No one ever takes the slightest interest in anything there so I'm unlikely ever to need to answer questions.

(17-10-2013, 03:54 PM)Lilagirl8813 Wrote:  I absolutely hide my NBE!

Now maybe being 25 and living with my family of 6 puts me in a different position than most, but I personally wouldn't like to explain to them what this stuff is. I don't think they can wrap their heads around it just yet.

Similar with me (except I am 34 and a caregiver for a family member), my family would be extremely unlikely to understand (would also be unlikely to ever attempt to) and they would (98-99% likely) react very unpleasantly.

Short answer is no, I do not. After all, just because something is out of sight doesn't mean it's hidden.

No, since my wife buy those for me.
Yes, i'm very sure will freak out my parent Big Grin

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