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New around here.


I'm not very good at introductions, but I recently found this forum and as a transitioning woman I thought maybe this would be a good place to find help for the transitioning process.

A little about me:
My name is Dahlia
I'm 20
I'm 6 foot and 155 pounds
I'm unemployed and can't currently afford anything but I'm looking to see what I can/should acquire when I have money.

So I was just wondering what some good suggestions are for things I should start with for the aforementioned process.

Hello Dahlia.

Welcome to the board. Smile

I would suggest trying pueraria mirifica (pm) for breast growth and possible fat redistribution to the hips/bum. You may also want to consider using an anti-androgen like spearmint or saw palmetto.

Hey guys and gals, it's me again. First of all I'd like to thank Flamesabers for the suggestions. I have PM and SP now and I was wondering if there was anything else I should add to it. I've had a few different suggestions that include, bovine ovary, black cohosh, fenugreek, and red clover. Now I'm not particulary familiar with what everything does so I was wondering if there was a good regimen I should do with the pills listed?Smile

(24-08-2013, 03:44 AM)Barakijal Wrote:  Hey guys and gals, it's me again. First of all I'd like to thank Flamesabers for the suggestions. I have PM and SP now and I was wondering if there was anything else I should add to it. I've had a few different suggestions that include, bovine ovary, black cohosh, fenugreek, and red clover. Now I'm not particulary familiar with what everything does so I was wondering if there was a good regimen I should do with the pills listed?Smile

I would advise keeping it slow and simple when using NBE herbs, especially when you're unfamiliar with how your body may tolerate these pills. While there is certainly a plethora of herbs to choose from, you don't need to take all of them or even a lot of them all at once to get breast growth going. Rather than trying to perfect a regimen, I suggest taking some pm and gradually increasing it over the next few weeks or so to see how your body handles it and how much pm you need to trigger breast development.

Once you've gotten some experience under your belt, I think it'll be easier to judge what herbs, (if any) you could add to improve your breast development. Maybe sp and pm, or even just pm is all you need to achieve breast growth. You won't know until you try.


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