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Butea Superba testing


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I am a male - a female couldn't test Butea Superba

Opened one 400 mg capsule (Butea Superba ) and with an open tea bag sprinkled both into a coffee filter.
Added a cup of water to home coffee maker and brewed.
added 1 teaspoon sugar and drank.
I should have drank 1/3 morning noon and night! as Acetylcholine is removed by the kidneys very fast.

I only want Acetylcholine none of the other shit!

The active ingrediant probally is the Neurotransmitter Acetylcholine? the same as Viagra.
Or they use an analog of Acetylcholine?
Only with testing can i discern if it is simular to Viagra?
At 0.15 cents a pill, its a little cheeper then Viagra?
And it would be nice to have a Viagra Substitute.
Without a doctors prescription.

Acetylcholine Neurotransmitter

Butea Superba, also known as a male sexual enhancement herb, may act primarily by increasing the relaxation capacity of the corpus cavernosum smooth muscles via cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibition and may also affect the brain, activating the improvement of the emotional sexual reaction. It is interesting to note that patients with additional health problems, such as diabetes mellitus, hyper-tension, heart disease and hyperthyroidism, responded satisfactorily to Butea Superba.

In a preliminary trial, 82% of men with erectile dysfunction reported an improvement in erectile function while consuming Butea superba for 90 days. The amount used was 500 mg per day for the first 4 days, and then 1,000 mg per day thereafter.

Butea superba, an herb native to Thailand, corrects erectile dysfunction, boosts sexual endurance and serves as an aphrodisiac. According to results from several clinical trials, more than 80 percent of the men who take butea superba successfully achieve erections even after months of impotence. Herbalists claim the plant, much like the blue prescription pill known as Viagra®, relaxes muscles in the penis so that more blood can flow to the organ and cause an erection. Some users claim that erections are larger and longer-lasting when using this herb because chemicals in butea superba stifle premature ejaculation. A few commercial medications based on herbal sexual stimulants list butea superba as a main ingredient; the plant notably contains acetylcholine, which is believed to aid in erectile formation.

Called “red kwao kreua” by Thai denizens, butea superba gets some of its power from two specific isoflavones: genistein and daidzein. Although these chemicals are ironically phytoestogens, which mimic the female sex hormone estrogen, butea superba acts and is marketed as a masculinizing supplement. Its ability to improve libido in women is not well known. The phytoestrogens in the herb attach to estrogen receptors in the body, generally preventing estrogen from using the receptors. For women, this activity can translate into a mitigation of menstrual cramps and menopause symptoms.

Butea Superba Information (Red Kwao Krua)
Butea Superba is a herb in the Family Papilionaceae and has the characteristics of being a crawler that wraps itself around large trees. One branch has 3 leaves, the flowers are of a yellowish orange color and the plant grog's out in the open. The long roots of the plant is buried under the "round like the roots of a yam. This type of plant reproduces through seeds and the separation of its roots. This plant can be found growing in forests in the northern regions, in the eastern regions and along Kanchanaburi Province. The roots and stem of the plant are medicines for strength and power. In addition, the roots and stem of the plant are considered to help increase the male sexual performance. Thus, this plant has come to be known as one type of miracle herb. Since Butea Superba helps to enhance the human health, this was considered to be an influential factor in separating the chemical constituents of this herb. The bio-activity of each constituent was tested, especially the inhibitory effect towards cAMP phosphodiesterase, which has an effect in the controlling the body and controlling a wide number of diseases. Therefore, it was planned to conduct research on the bioactivity of these chemical constituents in order to prove whether this herb is actually capable of enhancing the human health as stated beforehand.

Butea Superba, Flavonoid, Flavonoidglycoside, cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibition

From testing the bioactivity of Flavonoid and Flavonoid glycoside, it was found that both of these compounds were effective in inhibiting cAMP phosphodieterase. The result of inhibiting cAMP phosphodiesterase of both these compounds was greater than theophylline (IC50 =615 u.g/mL) and caffeine (IC50 = 420 u.g/rnL). The cAMP phosphodiesterase enzyme has a main function in the hydrolysis of the intracellular cAMP. Thus, papaverin, dipyridamole, caffeine and theophylline are effective when the cAMP phosphodiesterase is inhibited . Substances that inhibit cAMP phosphodiesterase are therefore capable of stimulating the functioning of the central nervous system (CNS) and stimulating the functioning of cells. Furthermore, substances that had an effect in inhibiting cAMP phosphodesterase also take part in controlling numerous severe diseases including diabetes hypertension , asthma , hepatomas , psoriasis and possibly cancer. In addition, substances that inhibit phosphodiesterase also had effect in controlling platelet-aggregation inhibition.

Therefore. Bulea Superba is composed of substances that are effective in inhibiting the cAMP phosphodieslerase enzyme, which are very beneficial to the human body. At least, when taking this herb, the body will begin to feel healthier. This herb will also help control the numerous diseases mentioned beforehand.

The attributes of this herb in increasing the male sexual performance is most probably due to the inhibiting of cAMP phosphodiesterase, which in turn has an effect on the aldosterone hormone.

From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the herb, Butea Superba, is beneficial for the human health. This herb may also help control certain severe diseases and be capable of enhancing the sexual performance in men, which is typical of herbal Thai medicines.

Efficacy test of Butea superba consumption as food supplement
in erectile malfunction male for 2 month

Case studies of Butea Superba

Type of herbal product: Butea superba
Number of tester: 490 person
Experiment: 1st response day (Mean +/1 S.D.) 800 mg/day
40. 16+/-0.81

Clinical Testing Result on Butea Superba herb

Easier erectile
470 person
Prolong erectile
460 person
Increase ejaculation erectile
470 person
Increase erectile frequencies
470 person
Increase sexual intercourse frequencies
220 person
Post ejaculation erectile
330 person
Increase Intercourse satisfaction and confidence
470 person

The crude extract of this herb showed vasodilatation effect. Its chemicals also promote energetic body without any nervous or muscular or cardiac over stimulation. This is the reason why this herbal product can be studied and promoted to be Erectile Dysfunction treatment without any serious adverse effect, a herbal product such as Butea Superba with soft but safe action.

Information About Our Butea Superba:

Dosage: 1 capsule in the morning, 1 capsule before dinner, and 1 capsule before bedtime, each capsule of 200 mg. for a daily dosage of 600 mg. (3 capsules) for the first two months then after two months you can lower the daily dosage to 400 mg. per day, one capsule in the morning and one capsule in the evening as a maintenance dosage.

Butea Superba Premium Powders
(This is the specs for the root powder, we are since using a 30:1 powdered extract)
1) Flavonoid : 76 ppm
2) Flavonoid Glycosides : 40 ppm
3) Isoflavone : 0.56mg per 100 grams

Main Ingredient Criteria

Starch : 15.59%
Protein : 7.35 %
Fat : 0.94%
Fiber : 26.16%
Ash : 1.36%
Carbohydrates : 64.19%
Total Kcal/100 grams : 104.22

Iron : 7.42 mg /100 grams
Iodine : 194.6 mg / 100 grams
Zinc : Not Detected
Mercury : Not Detected
Copper : Not Detected
Chloride : 82.25mg / 100 grams
Calcium : 2,929.22mg / 100 grams
Phosphorus:130.17 mg / 100 grams
Sodium : 110.67 mg / 100 grams
Potassium : 1,165.96 mg / 100grams
Magnesium : 2,114.23 mg / 100grams

Microorganism Criteria

E Coli Not Detected
Coliform Not Detected
Staphylocoecus Not Detected
Clostridium Pertingens Not Detected

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