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Trying to get estrogen


(25-08-2015, 02:58 PM)iaboy Wrote:  
(24-08-2015, 10:24 PM)Penny63 Wrote:  I ordered mine online, you can do that without a prescription, and it comes from India.

Oh wow, not sure that is a place to get them.... I wonder if their controls are as good as Western Europe or North America?

They are LITERALLY the same drugs. Same pharma, same manufacturer, same product, same quality controls as Schering-Plough or Novo Nordisk or ...

Because it's the same product. LITERALLY.

Only one I had a bad reaction to was tamoxifen (anti-estrogen) from MedsMex - and I'm not the only one who's found MedsMex to be hit-or-miss.
I've tried to avoid feminization and manipulate hormones for about 15 years, and longer if you include things like DHEA and creatine for body building...

To all,
Politically speaking, the drug companies are scamming the US, and our overlords are busy raping our wallets (among other things) - and the Great War on Terror (like the war on poverty and the war on hunger) is NOT MEANT TO BE WON. It's MOSTLY (99.99999%) Grade-A, #1, Triceratops-sized BULLSHIT!!!!!
The only people affected by the whole goddamn thing are the law-abiding honest citizens.
Hint: It doesn't affect those with armed security. It doesn't affect gang-bangers. Doesn't affect drug lords or cartel members, or Triad members, or Sith lords, for f*ck's sake.
It only affects those who are basically trying to live their lives in peace, and now have dozens of hoops to jump through JUST to be "honest" in ways the government deems acceptable.

Doesn't matter whether we're liberal, Liberal, Republican, Democrat, Conservative (those are all the same thing, actually, all "progressives" which actually means socialist and/or communist, aka Totalitarian Fascist - just changes WHAT they want to enforce - not HOW they plan to enforce their wants on you for "proper behavior.")
We are ALL at the mercy of Dear Leader's F*CKING corp of enforcers and praetorian guards.

You want the right to decide what goes in your body? Look at what governments are doing: Naturopathy is outlawed, outright, in many places - "for your protection." To the point you can't find information. To the point they're blocking and censoring the fucking web. Why do you think it was classified as a "public utility"? Because you REALLY have options about your electricity and gas, right?
Google "Codex Alimentarius." There have been several attempts to implement it here. "For your protection."

This is helmet laws, abortion laws*, immigration, Smoking laws, junk food laws, gun laws, drug laws... ALL of it is meant to CONTROL YOU, and The Powers That Be can do WHATEVER THEY WANT - and "fuck you, peon!"

The only way left to stop it is out-and-out warfare.
THEY have been waging war on us for longer than we've been alive. It goes back to 1789, people! Whiskey Rebellion, and the CONstitution. It was meant to govern a moral people. Most people aren't moral. MANY (especially up here in Beantown) are Yankee busybodies, without a SHRED of morality - I've heard them talking, they plan out how to profit on others' misery. (I'm in banking. Leave it at that.)

Your news is controlled (sounds so much better than censored). FOX is just a little Right of the other communist newscasts.... But mostly, it's opinions and rhetoric with some shreds of a fact now and then, yellow journalism and propaganda disguised as news.
Same with your "elected" representatives. Who you think you can vote for? the last several elections have had SO MUCH corruption, the question is WHY haven't we faced insurrection? And no matter who is (s)elected, the agenda continues unabated. No matter who wins, WE lose.
Military veterans get to be homeless, no medical treatment for a year (or more) - but an illegal alien gets food stamps, medical care, housing - FOR FREE?!!! Works under the table - and the companies don't get fined? but hey, the government PRINTS IN SPANISH THE DIRECTIONS ON HOW TO APPLY FOR THESE PROGRAMS!!!!

Better decide whose side you're on, NOW, and arm and armor up - or wanting boobs will be the least of your problems.

We're PAST East Germany's level of police state already, and encroaching greatly on the Soviet Union's level of government control of citizen's lives.
And THEY are NEVER accountable...
But WE continue to get poorer, dumber, and weaker, and our culture and nation dissolve. We are being invaded demographically, and for those who don't "get it" - I'VE BEEN THERE, the news is UNDER-REPORTING - I.E., CENSORED.
And just because it's a "private" press, E.G., FACEBOOK? Doesn't mean it isn't censorship. ZuckerTurd is ON RECORD stating they will censor people for criticizing Islam, for instance. If he doesn't do what Government wants, does he still have Facebook? Or does it get inundated with trade secret lawsuits, money laundering lawsuits, security lawsuits, anti-terrorism probes, etc, etc, etc? In multiple countries? And BTW, the "Product" on social media...? IS YOU! Selling your information is how they make money...

We've been catalogued, categorized, profiled, manipulated, for generations. We're being DOMESTICATED so we'll be cheap, stupid labor - without an original thought in our entire lives (hopefully, a brief and useful life hawking shit people don't really need for more than they can afford, to then turn senile and die of profitable diseases like cancer, MS, etc, before we might collect any disability or SS payments from the Almighty God Government.)

These people are control-freak psychopaths. You will never be more than a number to them, and just because that number isn't tattooed on your wrist, the chains made of gold (money), doesn't make you any less of a slave. And even if you resist, you are surrounded by people who worship their chains...

"Resistance is futile..." Only as long as we don't fight back. They have NO power if you "hold them accountable." You should definitely read between the lines there...

*: Abortion is a touchy subject, but no one seems to want to note the issues. A woman can decide to take or not take birth control; she can decide to have the child and abandon it (safe haven laws), adopt it out, abort it; she can name a man as the father, and get child support.
NOTE: HE doesn't have ANY legal recourse. Cannot influence her decisions, legally speaking; has no say. If SHE is a promiscuous slut, HE can still be on the hook for child support - when it's not even his child! Court doesn't care.
And we've even had 12 year old BOYS told to pay child support - to the 30+ year old TEACHER who got pregnant after having sex with him.
Reverse those roles, and see what happens.

That doesn't even address whether or not a woman is killing a child in an abortion - left that aspect aside for clarity.

Who owns you?
'Cause God On Earth Uncle Government thinks HE owns you, and has passed a few million laws to PROVE it - and make it impossible to resist.

(23-12-2015, 06:43 AM)AlexisM Wrote:  The online prices are absurd. 90 2mg estradiol cost $10 at Target and Stop N Shop. That's without any drug plan.

It does require buying into the system, and at an ever-increasing set of costs.
E.G., we need to go see a pshrink...
good-bye second amendment rights, in some places. (google it - happening all over. Vets especially are being targeted - and the medical establishment is all over it, they're complicit and dirty as hell.)

You can also get on any of a number of lists this way. And you're on a list for importing meds. And on a list for importing ANYTHING. Etc, etc, etc.

But I'll shut up again, before it turns into another rant.

Too much bizarre, off-topic political ranting for me. Besides, you're mostly wrong.

(23-12-2015, 03:15 PM)Dianna1395 Wrote:  
(23-12-2015, 06:43 AM)AlexisM Wrote:  The online prices are absurd. 90 2mg estradiol cost $10 at Target and Stop N Shop. That's without any drug plan.

It does require buying into the system, and at an ever-increasing set of costs.
E.G., we need to go see a pshrink...
good-bye second amendment rights, in some places. (google it - happening all over. Vets especially are being targeted - and the medical establishment is all over it, they're complicit and dirty as hell.)

You can also get on any of a number of lists this way. And you're on a list for importing meds. And on a list for importing ANYTHING. Etc, etc, etc.

But I'll shut up again, before it turns into another rant.

Too Late Dianna, that ship sailed, got torpedoed and sank.

Can we direct the thread back on topic , please?
Wendy, thanks for the link.

(24-12-2015, 04:53 AM)Erin Wrote:  Wendy, thanks for the link.

You're welcome.

(25-08-2015, 02:58 PM)iaboy Wrote:  
(24-08-2015, 10:24 PM)Penny63 Wrote:  I ordered mine online, you can do that without a prescription, and it comes from India.

Oh wow, not sure that is a place to get them.... I wonder if their controls are as good as Western Europe or North America?

I agree, but it most likely is no more of a risk than taking all of the other various supplements that we recommend. After all in the supplement industry there is very little quality control and virtually no oversight to speak of.

(23-12-2015, 03:11 PM)Dianna1395 Wrote:  +rant

Dianna TL;DR so I'll just say, "in the morning" to you. If you're not familiar with this greeting check out the No Agenda podcast. It may take a few shows to grasp where they're coming from, but in the end I think you'll like it.

I ordered mine from alldaychemist up till my doctor prescribed them from me. At the time she prescribed them for me my Testosterone level was undetectable (i'm on 200mg of Spiro a day). My estrogen (4mg a day) was just a hair under dead center for female norms. My progesterone (100mg first 10 days of the month - Naturagest) level was also almost dead center for female norms.

My HRT meds that I ordered online from alldaychemist always reached me in a timely manner and were always high quality products that did exactly what they were supposed to do. They work.

So if getting your HRT from a doctor isn't working, you CAN get it from them, and they are the least expensive online source I have found to date.

Nuff said.


Can also vouch for alldaychemist. Good price, arrived on time, and their products are legit.

My doctor's encouraging me to go through official channels but there's no way I'm waiting 3 years to be referred to the gender identity clinic. (UK)

(24-12-2015, 06:22 AM)WendyA Wrote:  [...]
(23-12-2015, 03:11 PM)Dianna1395 Wrote:  +rant

Dianna TL;DR so I'll just say, "in the morning" to you. If you're not familiar with this greeting check out the No Agenda podcast. It may take a few shows to grasp where they're coming from, but in the end I think you'll like it.
Thanks for that - I'll look it up from home (I hope... Home is the OTHER full time job! ;-) :-P )

Had to make do with Wikipedia to get the idea. I'll listen when I can.
And I'll avoid commenting on it again, mostly. ;-)


Sources as mentioned:
All Day Chemist
Four Corners Pharmacy
In House Drug Store (You need to go hunting, the USA is busy shutting them down - seriously, they keep changing the domain. So, I've seen & ordered from a .com, .biz, .tv, and I think it's .de now... But haven't even looked for them in months.)

MedsMex (Not too sure about them)

And there are likely more, too, if you look in the Yahoo group TS Do It yourself Hormones, I think it is. They'll have the latest InHouse URL somewhere. ;-)


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