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Mind and Body

Friendship needs frequent expression to remain alive. Napoleon Hill

We are all human, with frailties, foibles, and insecurities. We each need to be appreciated for the uniqueness that makes us individual, and we need to be told that we are appreciated. Maintaining friendships requires effort and persistent expression, both in word and deed. Tell your friends often how much you appreciate them. Remember occasions that are important to them. Congratulate them upon their achievements. Most important of all, let them know that you are there for them whenever they need you. NHF

    Wink POM


It isn’t defeat, but rather your mental attitude toward it, that whips you.

Napoleon Hill

There are many things in life that you cannot control, but you can always control your attitude toward them. Defeat is never permanent unless you allow it to be so. When you have a positive attitude, you will recognize failure for the impostor that it is and realize that it is really a learning experience, a valuable lesson that will help you succeed with the next attempt. Ask yourself: What could I have done differently that would have altered the outcome? What can I do in the future to minimize problems and mistakes? What did I learn from this experience that I can put to good use next time? If you approach obstacles and setbacks with a positive attitude, you will be surprised how quickly you can turn defeat into victory. NHF

    Wink POM


True wisdom is to know what is best worth knowing, and to do what is best worth doing.
Edward Humphrey

Study the past if you would divine the future. -- Confucius

Mastery of Your Thoughts
by Napoleon Hill

Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you do not control your thoughts, you cannot control your deeds. Therefore, in its simplest form, self-discipline causes you to think first and act afterward. Almost everyone automatically does exactly the reverse of this. People generally act first and think later--unless they take possession of their minds and control their thoughts and deeds through self-discipline.

Self-discipline will give you complete control over fourteen major emotions listed below. Seven of these are positive, and seven negative:

Positive Emotions
a. Love
b. Sex
c. Hope
d. Faith
e. Enthusiasm
f. Loyalty
g. Desire

Negative Emotions
a. Fear
b. Jealousy
c. Hatred
d. Revenge
e. Greed
f. Anger
g. Superstition

All of these emotions are states of mind and are, therefore, subject to your control and direction. You can see instantly how dangerous the seven negative emotions can be if they are not mastered. The seven positive emotions can be destructive too, if they are not organized and released under your complete, conscious control. Wrapped up in these fourteen emotions is power of a truly explosive nature. If you regulate it properly, it can lift you to heights of distinguished achievement. But if you permit it to run rampant, it can dash you to pieces on the rocks of failure. You should realize that your education, your experience, your native intelligence and your good intentions cannot alter or modify these possibilities.

“Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.” J.K. Rowling

A book must be an axe for the frozen sea inside of us. -Franz Kafka, novelist (3 Jul 1883-1924)

Remember that the faults of humankind are pretty evenly distributed among all of us. Napoleon Hill

Why can we so easily overlook in ourselves the faults we are quick to spot in others? It is easy to be objective when it comes to criticizing our friends, family members, and business associates, but it is far more difficult to be honest about our own shortcomings. Only when we recognize that we are all human, with the same faults and failings, do we begin to develop that wonderful quality of tolerance that enables us to accept others as they are and ask nothing in return. Replacing faultfinding with “goodfinding” is never easy. But when you become one who always compliments instead of criticizes, you become the kind of friend we would all like to have.


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