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Men do not belong on this forum.


Majestic, that´s strange, I thought you had already left this forum a while ago... wouldn´t that be the logical thing to do if men participating in it disgust you so much? Isn´t it ironic, actually your attitude disgusts me, and I´m certainly not the only one. Don´t you find it noteworthy that others might be offended by you in the same measure - or worse - as you are offended by men who want to grow breasts?

Here you are talking about moral relativity but you must certainly know that unkindness, agression, intolerance and harming other human beings is never considered to be acceptable, under no moral code other than maybe satanism? What you are stating, that men should be banned serves no other purpose than that of acting out your agression and unkindness... simply put: evil feelings. Yes, Majestic, you are being the bad person here.
It´s not as if you want to protect women from bad men in this forum, you´re just angry because you don´t like men to grow breasts.

It´s clear you´re no asset to this community. I honestly haven´t noticed you being much help to anyone here. I don´t think you have posted much, other than for being offensive. On the other hand, Cheryl (among other great ex - men) has served as inspiration and helped lots of people interested in nbe.
So, why don´t you just join another forum, one for angry and unkind women who want bigger boobs, and let us be.

I want to voice my opinion. I believe everyone interested in NBE is welcome on this forum. Men have contributed a lot to this forum, and they're here to stay. Anyone who doesn't like this can find another forum to their liking. Cheryl, I'm very sorry you have to keep going through this. I appreciate all you've contributed, and you have been a great inspiration to me and most will agree to them as well. Please continue what you're doing, we love you!

Majestic, as you haven't contributes anything useful to this site, and you don't like getting advise from men, may I suggest you find some other forum? Other than attacking people, spreading your ignorance and demanding you get help with NBE, you've done nothing on here. I would take one bio-male member who wants to share his/her experience with NBE over a million members like you. But hey, everyone's welcome. But i will not tolerate attacks on respected member on the forum. And stop harrassing our new members. Yes, I saw your posts. Good luck with your NBE journey, and I hope someday you will open your eyes.

Wahaika, I am very surprised to hear your opinion on this matter. I don't understand why people care what others do if they aren't harming anyone. Do you not understand that not everyone thinks like you? For someone as involved in NBE as yourself, you should know by now everyone is different, inside and out. And just a hint, there is no such thing as right and wrong. And I believe Majestic sees you as one of these 'men who shouldn't be on the forum', and probably thinks you are a pervert. Good luck with your website and your research.

"I believe that this site should be for women only. This is not a site for the transgender is it." ~majestic

If this forum was not for both men and women, there would not be a section devoted to breast growth for men in it, but there is and you just don't seem to get that.

If you want one for women only, then I suggest you go create one. It's pretty simple and then you can decide who does and doesn't appear on it.

As for this forum, you can't come into a forum set up by someone else, that being Eve, and decide what happens on it. It's like walking into someone elses home and saying I hate your decor. I'm not leaving, but I demand you change it so I will feel more comfortable. Only a very out of touch with reality personality would think they had the right to do that.

You either want the advice or don't. The forum isn't going to change, so you might as well decide now, which you can live with and be done with it.

I really can't believe you have now devoted 6 months of your time to stewing on so much hate. What a waste of precious time that could have been devoted to something positive.


I expected this response on a post that clearly states how most of us feel. many people are afraid to state this due to the minority of people that defend these men.
I seem to recall the same few people giving me a hard time last time i was on this forum. But while a few of you have defended this on this post, i have received 16 pm from people supporting me.
I find your response cheryll to be as expected. You are very un-educated.
And why are you all suprised in waihaika, he clearly has sense and knows what he is talking about. But i must also say you should not be on here as i believe in no double standards. NO MEN means NO MEN sorry my lovely.
Hourglasswannabe! you try to sound like you know what you are talking about, but to be quite frank you sound like you are just here for the ride. Your reply amuses me.
I do not care how long many of you have been on this forum, i have my views and i am free to share them. Many people agree with me and hopefully they will speak up as i have.
Its the only way to make us women safe from perverted men that come here to look at your bodys and live out there sick fantasies to have breasts.

Power to women

Majestic, you are very ignorant if you believe these people are on here to gawk at our pictures. First of all, you don't know the first thing about gender identification and sexual orientation. And clearly you do not understand what everyone is doing here. If you worry about men looking at your pictures, then you have to create an NBE group in the real world. This is the internet! No one knows who's behind the keyboard, how are you going to stop men from becoming members and looking at your pictures?

I am not going to sit here and explain to you why you are so wrong. I will say you are free to express your opinion but being rude and disrespectful does not prove anything. You should apologize to Cheryl. She's more of a woman than you, because I don't judge a book by its cover, and I've seen what is in your heart. She has been nothing but kind and helpful. I hate to be living in a world with people so ignorant like you. That's my opinion.

I have no desire to upset or cause offense, i simply state how it is.
I talk straight and do not mess around and this has got me far in my life.
Hazel, you are clearly a drone in society that has been brain washed to believe that men wanting breasts and dressing as women is acceptable. It is clearly not and if this upsets people then so be it.

Btw Majestic, you´re spelling "freak" wrong... what does that say about your intellect?

Wahaika: well what was the use of you defending Majestic´s views? She doesn´t want you around either, that is pretty pathetic, isn´t it?


wow this is a shocking post, I understand that Majestic has the right to not want man looking at her pics(solution: don´t post pics), and yes because this forum is supportive to males, doesn´t mean she has to be supportive too, she has the right to think different(solution:don´t come to this forum), she should follow whahaika´s example, I find that he is a very centered person, and because he didnt like males in this forum, he just created a new one.

Wahaika: I really admire you, though you agree with majestic, your form of presenting your POV Its much more civilicized, and Im glad that you respect the wishes, of EVE,.

Majestic:I am really interested in knowing why you are so against Males in this forum, besides ``society and morals´´, cos let me assure you, myself that im a Religious person, should be the first one attacking male growing breasts, but Im not, cos i know the only one that has the right to JUDGE someone is Jesus, the only one with the right to point fingers, cos in the way you judge, you will be judged.

EDIT: hey couldn´t we just report her post as abuse, cos seriously, misleading a Newbie, now im past the point of shocked, now im just pissed.

on the original site there actually was a place for men wishing to develop breasts...for some reason it has not yet made it's way to this new site.

i have nothing against those males seeking a more female figure however it does make it difficult for those of us females who look to them for tips or guidance just to realize that they are males and there for cannot really help women as their bodies and chemical makeup are completely different...i agree that there should be another section on this site for those males...but that they should be able to share their progress and stories with out shame or criticizem.

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