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My dilemmas...


(11-04-2016, 01:40 AM)Mickie Wrote:  With a family not accepting you if you were to show up, that makes it very difficuly... very difficult indeed.

I guess that I am lucky.. my wife accepts who I am and understands the desire/need to dress.. In fact, to a point, she encourages it.

I too am a small frame.. 5 feet 6 inches and 138 pounds.. so it is comparatively easy for me to find clothing; although being passable is probably something I will never truly achieve..I have no facial hair, in fact no body hair at all, so that aspect is easy for me.

All I can say, is good luck and best wishes..

Thank you Mickie for the input. You are very lucky indeed to have an understanding and accepting spouse. Smile I wish mine was, but every time I send my feelers out to gage her reaction, it is never good. Cest la vie. On the plus side, her and I are about the same as far as clothing size, truth be told, I am probably a few sizes smaller than her now Tongue , so I do have a plethora of clothing options. Big Grin Ha Ha Ha, bad bad me. Dodgy

(11-04-2016, 01:38 PM)julieTG Wrote:  Or it could work the other way

By meeting real people it could act as pressure valve release and balance you ?

It would be great to meet real live people though


You bring up a very good point Julie, it could be that meeting someone of similar mind would help put at ease the mental anguish and everything would be all right with the world again. Well at least temporarily until the next flair up right? Wink

Decisions decisions, Pandora's box, or relief. I have a feeling that this question may be answered sooner than later. Of course, that could just be wishful thinking. Cool

(10-04-2016, 07:31 PM)Fire And Ice Wrote:  [...]
So I am curious what wonderful people here think or have to say.


Well, I'll answer anyway. ;-)
My thoughts are, (1) YOLO, (2) the wife can deal (with a temporary loss of fuzziness so you can spend some time as you, away from home where no one will recognize you anyway, so no embarrassment to her), and quite bluntly, if she' the type who is a fan of "Eat Pray Love" and other such stuff? You're doing the same thing, she should be a fan.
That is predicated on it being more of a temporary thing, though, for the makeover on a trip.

Now, definitely, you'll want to find a group out there to meet with. I'd suggest googling for a Munch (BDSM group lunch, not scene - just say hi, engage socially); or, a CD/TV/TG group in the area. Maybe both - might benefit from cross-connections or just from "more people." Maybe swingers or such, but I don't know enough about that lifestyle to suggest groups, or if they have them...
Now, that's where it'll start to be a long-term thing, and the first points may need to be adjusted. I'd suggest you START with transition in mind, when it comes to planning. You've said you don't want to, and I understand that, but start with the end goal so that you can feel things out and maintain control of the process. And you'll also be set to handle the wife, which will definitely be a big deal.
Mine likes the chin lettuce, too. I want to dig the follicles out and have them cemented to my receded temples. ;-)

I think mine wants the chin fuzzies so she can see me as MASCULINE. (This from a woman who won't wear skirts because she's too heavy. But I digress...) She needs to see you as the MAN pole in the relationship, I'm guessing; the whiskers are probably part of that. Which makes the whole vacation/makeover more important, and then finding another outlet (CD/TV/TG group) - while important - can be lessened, perhaps. Or, you could find one that won't worry about your facial fur. Some people CANNOT shave it off, so a drag club, CD/TV/* group might allow the socialization without the feminization.

And as I understand, a Tri-Ess type group will often have things for the SOs. So she would have her support group at the same time, maybe you'll make "normal" friends, too. Have dinners as couples, say, and meet at the events, as well. Also a reason to include the social side of the BDSM group(s), maybe.

So, you're planning for the worst, figuring out how to break the news in X months/years when you don't have a choice. If you decide not to proceed, you haven't burned any bridges. She likely won't know. (Whereas, mine has known for years and still wants the feminine aspects I have, PLUS overwhelming MANLY-man attitudes, and the two - for me at least - are diametrically opposed.) If yours sees things changing and likes, you can still have lots of time to talk. If YOU find it's something you cannot give up - E.G., that joke, "What's the difference between a TV and a TS?" "Answer: 6 months." - Well, you'll still be ahead of it, and you can make things work, or negotiate, or at least know what's happening. Don't go running in, of course, but you've already been planning the worst if it happens. So you've got things in a state where she and you can both be taken care of, essentially.
And if the groups are enough?
No worries, right?

Let's frame it a little differently, though: How many sets of silicon breasts have you gone through...? Attachable? ;-)
Only did enhancers myself, always was a bit chesty...
But I keep eyeing the DDD forms, you know? Especially the attachable ones - I want to know the heft, have it move like it's part of me.
I think you're in similar situation, but how far do you want to go? In my mind, I want to be an 18-year-old sexpot, and well.... I'm 40, so ain't happening. But I could come far closer...

You seem to have a different endgame in mind, so a makeover is reasonable, and then you might decide to stay clean shaven anyway. Even if you drop the rest.

But I'd suggest you look at yourself carefully, not critically, in the mirror, and see who's looking back. I'm dissociated a bit: the person looking back is ME, I know it, but I don't feel anything looking at that reflection, except maybe that intellectual "that's what I look like." "Wish I looked like a woman!" echoes from time to time... Usually I'm too busy getting out the door to care.
See if you're in the same position - it might tell you how much risk you face there, WRT transition wants.
I'd suggest "My ladybird story" on Amazon Kindle for more examples. Should be a cheap thing, and a few hours read at most. But the protagonist had the same sort of issue / dissociation from self. He didn't like the image he saw, and he knew that the reflection was him, but it wasn't "his self." It was just a reflection. Like seeing fish in the water, except that at one point near puberty, he happened to experiment, and when he pushed his genitals back, THAT was when the mirror looked "right."

We might not have a violent a reaction, but we should be sure of where our head is at up front. Hence, always plan for the worst, and get the gears turning. In this case, you plan for transition and divorce, and probably never get close.
But if you don't do the planning? You'll perhaps find none of the discussions planned, none of the finances in order, she'll have the wrong ideas, you won't have a firm grasp of things yourself. Then you'll both end up REacting instead of Acting.

I hope my long-winded response hasn't been too much. :-)


(11-04-2016, 01:56 PM)jannet.duff Wrote:  Try googling transgender ( or crosscrossing ) support in your area. I found the one in my area was tied in with the local Aids support centre. You don't have to go dressed up, most would be willing to talk with you. ( I attended my support group for @ 6 weeks as ##:& before Jannet. I know you do not want to hear it but, wanting and trying to get breasts means that door is open, maybe just a crack, buts it's there.

As a side note, I had a mustache for most of my adult life, the wife wondered how I would look without it, I couldn't get it off fast enough. Slowly, I just removed my body hair too.

Good luck ..

Thank you Jannet for your thoughts on this. I have looked it up in the past, but that would be waaaaay too many people I would be exposed to. I am looking for more of a 1 to 1. The less people that know, the better I would feel about it. Okay, so perhaps I am a bit paranoid. It's just that where I live, even though it's pretty damn big, it always feels like everyone knows each other. The degrees of separation are not enough for me to feel comfortable. Sad

Yeah, I know that door is cracked open just a bit, but that's what wedges and blockades are for, to help keep it from opening too much too quickly. Big Grin

I too have had my facial hair for most of my adult life. Once, and only once did I sport a mustache, but I looked über creepy, so never did that again. Now most of the time it's the goatee, or every now and again when being lazy the beard. Once in a blue moon it all comes off just for a change of scenery and the Mrs. always gives me grief about it. Angry

(11-04-2016, 07:37 PM)Fire And Ice Wrote:  [...SNIP...]

Thank you Mickie for the input. You are very lucky indeed to have an understanding and accepting spouse. Smile I wish mine was, but every time I send my feelers out to gage her reaction, it is never good. Cest la vie. On the plus side, her and I are about the same as far as clothing size, truth be told, I am probably a few sizes smaller than her now Tongue , so I do have a plethora of clothing options. Big Grin Ha Ha Ha, bad bad me. Dodgy

Yeah - did the same with my family over the last 20 years.
Never went well.


(11-04-2016, 04:47 PM)Happyme Wrote:  Hi Fire and Ice,
I vote for having a make over!
Like Janet said, your growing breasts so the door is open.And I think everyone here will agree it will never close.

Ha ha, thanks for the input Bobbi, now I just gotta find a place that will do the transformation. Big Grin It may be a busy travel year for me, so that means lots of potential chances.

There's that door reference again, really going to have to find more wedges so it doesn't open further. LOL. Cool

(11-04-2016, 05:47 PM)julieTG Wrote:  Well the door does close,

just bloody re opens again, and again, and again


Ha ha ha ha, rotflmao, of wow, that made me laugh so hard. Thanks Julie, I needed that. Big Grin

(11-04-2016, 07:49 PM)Fire And Ice Wrote:  
(11-04-2016, 01:56 PM)jannet.duff Wrote:  Try googling transgender ( or crosscrossing ) support in your area. I found the one in my area was tied in with the local Aids support centre. You don't have to go dressed up, most would be willing to talk with you. ( I attended my support group for @ 6 weeks as ##:& before Jannet. I know you do not want to hear it but, wanting and trying to get breasts means that door is open, maybe just a crack, buts it's there.

As a side note, I had a mustache for most of my adult life, the wife wondered how I would look without it, I couldn't get it off fast enough. Slowly, I just removed my body hair too.

Good luck ..

Thank you Jannet for your thoughts on this. I have looked it up in the past, but that would be waaaaay too many people I would be exposed to. I am looking for more of a 1 to 1. The less people that know, the better I would feel about it. Okay, so perhaps I am a bit paranoid. It's just that where I live, even though it's pretty damn big, it always feels like everyone knows each other. The degrees of separation are not enough for me to feel comfortable. Sad

Yeah, I know that door is cracked open just a bit, but that's what wedges and blockades are for, to help keep it from opening too much too quickly. Big Grin

I too have had my facial hair for most of my adult life. Once, and only once did I sport a mustache, but I looked über creepy, so never did that again. Now most of the time it's the goatee, or every now and again when being lazy the beard. Once in a blue moon it all comes off just for a change of scenery and the Mrs. always gives me grief about it. Angry

This sounds a little more... complex, then.
It might make sense to look for a professional domme to talk to, and trolling the "sissy" blogs might help, too. The idea being, find a lugubrious sissy-type or woman who has some "flexibility" in her outlook, and warmth towards the unusual.
It's NOT suggesting a sexual or "professional" encounter, though. Just a discussion with someone who could be trusted a bit, and provide some insight. Then from there, maybe a gay club on Drag night? Be the quiet guy in the background, say, and talk to the queens now and then, to get yourself some socialization. And then, plan and proceed as appropriate.

I'd think it's no different from going to a strip club to ogle the women. You won't be going home with them, but you might get to chat with them a bit, on a good night. And you could certainly bring the wife along for the spectacle, and to get her opinions and feelings afterwards (I.E., make her included and play to her feelings/needs for security and safety.)


(11-04-2016, 07:48 PM)Dianna1395 Wrote:  Well, I'll answer anyway. ;-)

I hope my long-winded response hasn't been too much. :-)


Wow Dianna, you said a mouthful! Big Grin Thank you very much for your insight. It was long, but appreciated. I don't think I am ready for any large group encounters. I am just not comfortable with that idea. As for bars and such, I'm not much of a social butterfly. It takes a quite a bit of effort for me to open up and be social. Sure, here it's easy, but in person, I am way too shy, and passive.

As for any involvement with my wife, that's not going to happen. She is a bit on the conservative side. I joke with her about wearing women's clothes now and again just because her clothes fit me, and she gets pretty negatively vocal about it. She does not appreciate it one bit.

So for me the idea of transitioning is REALLY far fetched. Parents that would disown me, a wife that would probably leave me, just doesn't seem like the right thing for me. There just really isn't an easy answer, I will have to settle for what I can get. How far I am willing to go to get what I want varies. Smile

(11-04-2016, 07:50 PM)Dianna1395 Wrote:  Yeah - did the same with my family over the last 20 years.
Never went well.


My parents are pretty darn close minded. There is no understanding of this. There is no grey, there is no middle. There is no Bi, you're just gay. Transitioning, I would be a freak to them. I would be abnormal. I hear the way they talk, and gossip, and it drives me nuts. I have no idea how I turned out to be so different considering what I grew up with. Tongue

(11-04-2016, 07:59 PM)Dianna1395 Wrote:  This sounds a little more... complex, then.
It might make sense to look for a professional domme to talk to, and trolling the "sissy" blogs might help, too. The idea being, find a lugubrious sissy-type or woman who has some "flexibility" in her outlook, and warmth towards the unusual.
It's NOT suggesting a sexual or "professional" encounter, though. Just a discussion with someone who could be trusted a bit, and provide some insight. Then from there, maybe a gay club on Drag night? Be the quiet guy in the background, say, and talk to the queens now and then, to get yourself some socialization. And then, plan and proceed as appropriate.

I'd think it's no different from going to a strip club to ogle the women. You won't be going home with them, but you might get to chat with them a bit, on a good night. And you could certainly bring the wife along for the spectacle, and to get her opinions and feelings afterwards (I.E., make her included and play to her feelings/needs for security and safety.)


Not many drag places where I live, though there are gay bars. Went once long ago with friends, but I am just too socially awkward. I'm already submissive enough, I am not sure visiting with a domme is going to do me much good. Plus I'm sure the Mrs. would not like that one bit! Wink

I have found that the best laid out plans are bound to go to hell in a hand basket, so I don't bother. I mostly wing it and let the chips land where they may. Also in my case most of the time it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Tongue

Quote:I have found that the best laid out plans are bound to go to hell in a hand basket, so I don't bother. I mostly wing it and let the chips land where they may. Also in my case most of the time it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Tongue

I think that goes for all of us Huh

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