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A lot can happen in a week


Last Tuesday on the 15th I went to a Trans meeting.  It was about being transgender in our local community.  A lot of what was discussed was stuff I had already read about, or things that have been discussed here.  Since no one knew each other, introductions were also done.  I introduced both of my names as I wasn't sure what to say.  I contributed my thoughts and opinions on some of the discusions and enjoyed myself very much.  I made a few new friends there as well.  After the meeting I talked to some of the others that were there and I shared my FaceBook with them.  Smile

This past Sunday was the 1st ever Adult TG Support group meeting and I was glad I was able to attend.  When I walked in through the door one of the people I met on Tuesday complimented me on my lipstick.  I smiled and blushed a bit and say thank you.  I didn't do too much, all I did was makeup and lipstick.  Though the group was small it was nice because we all got to share enough about what was on our mind.  I introduced my given name, and told them that I had grown rather fond of the name Sofia.  Everyone greeted me as Sofia and it felt amazing.  The rest of the evening I just introduced myself as Sofia.  I also told them that I had recently come out to my spouse and another friend.  I told them things were not going so well with my spouse.  Since this was so recent, the response is what I expected and already knew the answer to, I need to give her time and space to process all this.  While I realize this, and fully understand, it doesn't stop me from getting hurt.  My spouse has completely lost her filter and just says whatever pops into her mind, and sadly I have gone to bed more times in tears than I care to count.

After the support group they had a vigil since Sunday was Transgender Day of Remembrance.  I stayed and help setup.  I kind of got scared and worried because a news crew came to record what was going on.  Since I am not out to everyone I did not want to be seen so I stayed behind the camera.  I declined reading a memorial card as I did not want to be filmed.  I felt a bit embarrassed and ashamed to be hiding at something so heartfelt and moving.  Afterwards I got to talk to some more of the folks at the event.

Earlier at lunch time I came out to two of my closest friends from work.  They were happy for me that I was happy.  After work we went out and we all talked.  We talked for quite sometime.  They took a genuine interest in me, and what I'm all about.  They took the time to get a better understanding of what being Transgender means, and that it actually encompasses a wide spectrum.  Of course they had a ton of questions for me, and I happily answered.  In the end everything turned out great with my friends, they were genuinely happy for me, and honored that I was able to feel comfortable enough telling them about it.

When I got home I was in really great spirits.  I had gotten my blood tests which were showing pretty good results, and coming out to two of my friends had gone very well.  Plus a new dress that I had ordered came in and I absolutely loved it!!!  I was talking to my wife and I told her that I told my two friends.  I commented that I was a bit surprised that they were both okay with everything.  My wife's comment to me "Well they don't have to look at you everyday"  Like a dagger through my heart ... of course I was distraught.  I can't recall what we said after that, but I left the room and went to my office and cried.  I am grateful that I had some friends in the chatroom to help get me through my emotional turmoil.  I totally get it, I understand that this is a lot for my spouse to process, I understand that this is probably not what she signed up for, I understand that it is going to take time, I completely empathize with what she must be going through, but her carelessness with her choice of words still hurts, and it hurts bad. Sad

Thank you ErinLynn, Emma, Eden, and spacecat for being there and being supportive last night, it means a lot to me, and helped a lot!!  *HUGS*

I am glad to see that your getting out and meeting other people. It does help when you have somebody to talk to in person.

I know we have talked about your spouse in the chatroom, there is not much more I can add, exdept. The same as everybody here reacts to NBE differently, it's also a give that out spouses well also react differently. A'll you can do is keep trying, and hope that she will relize that she stands to loose you both in body and spirit.

God luck, I hope everything works out in the end.

Aww thanks for the shoutout!

Here's hoping for many more weeks of good stuff in your future.

I'm so happy to be involved, and rooting for you every step of the way!


This May help, if you want a little insight into what a range women think that are partners of people like us, I can`t recommend "My husband Betty" highly enough!
it`s a must read for any of us with partners in my opinion.

she wrote a followup book called "She`s not the man I Married", also very good, but a little brutal in its Honesty.

(23-11-2016, 12:52 PM)Katie Wrote:  This May help, if you want a little insight into what a range women think that are partners of people like us, I can`t recommend "My husband Betty" highly enough!
it`s a must read for any of us with partners in my opinion.

she wrote a followup book called "She`s not the man I Married", also very good, but a little brutal in its Honesty.

I have picked up the first one on Kindle, the other probably this next week.  It seems to be right on the money....

Wow Sofia,

you've got a really busy week! You are right - a lot can happen in one week! And I think you did well!

You've met some new people. It means you've started to build a supportive network. You've came out to some of your friends... Your feminine identity is further differentiating and developing... It looks like you know what you are doing and you are moving forward! Be proud of yourself!

Yes, it is sad that your wife does not appear so supportive. And although it is nice you try to understand her reactions, the fact is you did not choose to be trans... And you are doing your best to deal with it. I think if you kept repressing your true self for too long, you wouldn't live a happy life. There will always be that itch of unused potential. That feeling: "What if I have done it differently." And there is a high probability your subconscious would find a different way to express your inner feelings and maybe would begin to sabotage your relationship in different ways...

Moreover, I am just thinking - would our partners prefer if we lied to them? Would they really feel better knowing we are just pretending being happy?

Anyway, I've read interesting comments about changes in relationship after one partner comes out as TG at webpage by Jennifer Diane Reitz:

I wish you many happy moments in the future!


Much love for all the support I get here.  Thank you all!!

Re Jannet:  Yes, meeting people face to face while at first daunting has been a true blessing.  Nothing is quite the same as being able to interact with someone one on one.  I wasn't really sure what to expect, but it has definitely been a worthwhile experience.  Unfortunately things are still very shaky with my spouse.  I will be setting up an appointment later today to see a therapist, and hopefully in time she will join me, or at least join me at some of the TG Support Group meetings.

Re Emma:  Of course Emma, I am always grateful for your company and everyone else that stops by in the chatroom.  As you know I am super excited, this Tuesday and Wednesday I am finally doing it!  I am going out en femme to go shopping where I live!  I am getting a bit nervous now, but I believe I found some of my wife's old clothes that fit her too small, and fit me just right.  So she shouldn't miss them, I hope.  At least I won't feel too out of place.  Now I just gotta figure out shoes.   Huh

Re Katie:  Thank you Katie for the book recommendations, I appreciate it.  Big Grin

Re Aria: Thank you for the affirmation on Katie's recommendation! Smile

Re Poly:  It has definitely been an adventure, filled with laughs, and tears, a few more tears.  sighs  No, my spouse was tired of the secrets and the lies.  I've asked again even after I told her if she regrets knowing what she now knows.  And while she states she doesn't, I can't help but feel like she'd prefer this all get swept under the rug, and be forgotten.  I don't know what the future holds for me, nor do I know what the future holds for her and I just have to keep working at mending the bonds and see where it takes us.  Thank you Poly for your comments, and the post, interesting information on that link!   Cool

What a week you've had Sofia!  So many new experiences, though I know that the wife issues put a damper on the joy.  And- shopping!  Nothing like it, though I found it to be quite addictive.  I get in a foul humor if I miss a week   Angry  Good luck girl!  Can't wait to hear all about how it went.

(29-11-2016, 04:30 AM)Allyson Wrote:  What a week you've had Sofia!  So many new experiences, though I know that the wife issues put a damper on the joy.  And- shopping!  Nothing like it, though I found it to be quite addictive.  I get in a foul humor if I miss a week   Angry  Good luck girl!  Can't wait to hear all about how it went.

Allyson!!! Thanks for commenting back. Smile Well my shopping day was mostly wonderful!! I got some nice skinny jeans, and a dress, and a few cute tops!!! I think I've already shown you the pictures for that. Big Grin I did have a semi meh experience while shopping. A pair of pants I had were too long, so my friend went and got me another pair. The sales lady brought it back to me and called me Miss. Sadly I over hear this as she heads back towards her colleague, "I hadn't been sure if that was a guy or girl"

Well that kind of put a damper on my shopping day. I kind of spent the rest of the day avoiding any direct eye contact. Other than that, it was fun. Big Grin Shopping day #2 got postponed, but hopefully that will happen this week. Smile

A lot happened yesterday and I need to write about it but I was happy all day on Friday!!!

(03-12-2016, 02:53 PM)Sofia Lauren Bunny Wrote:  
(29-11-2016, 04:30 AM)Allyson Wrote:  What a week you've had Sofia!  So many new experiences, though I know that the wife issues put a damper on the joy.  And- shopping!  Nothing like it, though I found it to be quite addictive.  I get in a foul humor if I miss a week   Angry  Good luck girl!  Can't wait to hear all about how it went.

Allyson!!! Thanks for commenting back. Smile Well my shopping day was mostly wonderful!! I got some nice skinny jeans, and a dress, and a few cute tops!!! I think I've already shown you the pictures for that. Big Grin I did have a semi meh experience while shopping. A pair of pants I had were too long, so my friend went and got me another pair. The sales lady brought it back to me and called me Miss. Sadly I over hear this as she heads back towards her colleague, "I hadn't been sure if that was a guy or girl"

Well that kind of put a damper on my shopping day. I kind of spent the rest of the day avoiding any direct eye contact. Other than that, it was fun. Big Grin Shopping day #2 got postponed, but hopefully that will happen this week. Smile

A lot happened yesterday and I need to write about it but I was happy all day on Friday!!!

Early days yet Hon.  Look at it this way, she was not sure if you were a guy or a girl, that has to be a lot better than somebody saying there is a guy shopping for girls clothes. Look at tashia, I'll will bet a few months of HRT and your going to get the same problem shopping for male clothes.

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