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I think so too, dosing with moderation and finding the most functional combination and then keeping at it and letting time to do the change is key. I think especially important if you end up using HGH on its own, its so much more potent than just exercise and some supplements alone.

Oh and that I tend to believe in that we're not completely bound by genetics because human body is so malleable and amazing with the way it can transform. Anyone from bodybuilding circles knows this and trans people know it too. Big Grin

Another thing to consider is E2 is less stress on your body than swallowing gobs of supplements every single day. Plus it's cheaper, too.

Best of luck to you.

Yes I agree. If you have a dream and an image in your head of what you want to be,, you can make it happen, especially in terms of our bodies. 

I feel like I am getting restless, and the need to transition or move forward even if it is a slow pace needs to happen soon.  I'm getting really inside my head, and ignoring the elephant in the room that is me being a woman isn't helping. I know I can only move forward as much as my spouse can tolerate since it's.a process for us both, but at this pace it will never happen. And I'll be left with a choice of be depressed for our marriage or lose .y marriage and move forward and see what happens s good or bad. 

Sorry I dont want to get the thread off topic. 

Thanks Lara and stevenator

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