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Confusion about dosing ratio 10:1 etc - anyone help please?


I've read that a small amount of PM can be fairly safe. Ive heard 50 - 100 mg quoted online.

(Eg. Based on available studies, a safe dosage of PM as a dietary supplement
for humans was suggested at 1–2 mg/kg b.w./day or about 50–100 mg/day []. )

My problem is the capsules say things like :

Active Ingredients per tablet:

2500mg Pueraria Mirifica (10:1 concentrated extract equivalent to 2500mg raw herb)

(Here :

So would these capsules fall into that safe dosage? I'm not sure how to calculate the amount of PM in the capsules.

I hope this all makes sense - can anyone help please?

Also, for now I've just been using some topical cream, but again I don't know how much PM is in it for the same kind of reasons.

Any help appreciated thankyou XX


(24-10-2021, 11:50 AM)newpersonhi Wrote:  

I've read that a small amount of PM can be fairly safe. Ive heard 50 - 100 mg quoted online.

(Eg. Based on available studies, a safe dosage of PM as a dietary supplement
for humans was suggested at 1–2 mg/kg b.w./day or about 50–100 mg/day []. )

My problem is the capsules say things like :

Active Ingredients per tablet:

2500mg Pueraria Mirifica (10:1 concentrated extract equivalent to 2500mg raw herb)

(Here :

So would these capsules fall into that safe dosage? I'm not sure how to calculate the amount of PM in the capsules.

I hope this all makes sense - can anyone help please?

Also, for now I've just been using some topical cream, but again I don't know how much PM is in it for the same kind of reasons.

Any help appreciated thankyou XX

Typically 10:1 means how much it is concentrated.  So if a pill contains 250mg of concentrate at 10:1 it is equal to taking 2500mg of the raw substance.    If your taking enough to alter your hormone levels enough to grow boobs,  it would probably be considered "not safe" by the medical community.  Given, it would put you at slightly higher risk of issues such as breast cancer or blood clots. 

Safety is always relative to the risk vs reward.   In my case,  even a small amount (500mg) of PM causes a spike in blood pressure for about 4-6 hours.  2500mg at once would not be something I would take.  Everyone is different, just be careful and watch for adverse side effects.

Personally, I would not buy herbs on ebay.  My health is worth more than saving a little money.  I went to the site and its not clear what you are buying.  It listed 4.9 pounds for an unknown size bag, the smallest quantity was 60 tablets.  IMO, that is very very cheap and I question whether it is a real product. I would suggest you buy something from a "mainstream" seller. 



Typically 10:1 means how much it is concentrated.  So if a pill contains 250mg of concentrate at 10:1 it is equal to taking 2500mg of the raw substance.    If your taking enough to alter your hormone levels enough to grow boobs,  it would probably be considered "not safe" by the medical community.  Given, it would put you at slightly higher risk of issues such as breast cancer or blood clots. 

Safety is always relative to the risk vs reward.   In my case,  even a small amount (500mg) of PM causes a spike in blood pressure for about 4-6 hours.  2500mg at once would not be something I would take.  Everyone is different, just be careful and watch for adverse side effects.

Thanks for this info, very helpful. Yes, I think I now feel these types of ratios just seem too unclear for me to ever feel comfortable with it. As someone has suggested below, I'm going to try a mainstream seller now.

I'm probably going to break up some capsules of a 'known' concentration and make it up as a topical cream. So if anything I'll be consuming a smaller/safer amount of PM.


(25-10-2021, 07:22 PM)thegirl1951 Wrote:  

Personally, I would not buy herbs on ebay.  My health is worth more than saving a little money.  I went to the site and its not clear what you are buying.  It listed 4.9 pounds for an unknown size bag, the smallest quantity was 60 tablets.  IMO, that is very very cheap and I question whether it is a real product. I would suggest you buy something from a "mainstream" seller. 

I appreciate your imput on this. Yes, I think I agree and I've now ordered some from the 'Ainterol' company. I've heard them mentioned quite a few times on here, and the dosages seem a lot lower and more realistic. The capsules I've ordered are 250mg of PM, which I plan to make up into a topical cream.

Do you know this company?


Ainterol are well known and apart from occasional supply issues are fine, I used to use them. However, I think you are in the UK and if so I can completely recommend Pueraria-UK. They are based in UK ( Colchester I think) with a very fast delivery, normally 2-3 days.
I've been using them for about 10 years and never had a single problem apart from a couple of failures of the e-bay 'click n collect' system and they were very quick to step in and sort it out for me.

I suggest starting on 1 x500mg per day and slowly work up to wherever you feel most comfortable. For me that is 2x 500mg twice a day.

You may want to visit this website for addition forum discussions of NBE.  Some people here are on both websites.


10:1 concentrated extract can seem to mean something with some herbal supplements, but not so much with PM. Seem to recall that some who have tried the likes of these have had little results. Likely better off sticking with a standard 500 mg (for example) of a better known entity rather than a supposed 10:1 concentrated extract of how and what?

(27-10-2021, 12:38 AM)VergeOfDiscovery Wrote:  10:1 concentrated extract can seem to mean something with some herbal supplements, but not so much with PM. Seem to recall that some who have tried the likes of these have had little results. Likely better off sticking with a standard 500 mg (for example) of a better known entity rather than a supposed 10:1 concentrated extract of how and what?
I'm not a fan of Ainterol quite the opposite as they seriously insulted me in the past. They do have the real deal I do admit but there are also other serious suppliers online but it's a bit of hit and miss to find them. Those offering concentrated extracts do seem to me to be extraordinary a bit of dick head's trying to waste your time and money for something that''s rubbish. The money isn't important it's getting the results that is. I'm absolutely not a fan of Ainterol..I hate them soooo, soooo very much they insulted me and made me feel inadequate but...yes I do feel they have the real deal but they aren't the only ones that have it. Just a bit tricky to get the proper stuff. I would love to try their pm and comment but they pissed me off so very, very much I wouldn't order from them, already got boobs! Without twats!

(27-10-2021, 12:38 AM)VergeOfDiscovery Wrote:  10:1 concentrated extract can seem to mean something with some herbal supplements, but not so much with PM. Seem to recall that some who have tried the likes of these have had little results. Likely better off sticking with a standard 500 mg (for example) of a better known entity rather than a supposed 10:1 concentrated extract of how and what?
I'm not a fan of Ainterol quite the opposite as they seriously insulted me in the past. They do have the real deal I do admit but there are also other serious suppliers online but it's a bit of hit and miss to find them. Those offering concentrated extracts do seem to me to be extraordinary a bit of dick head's trying to waste your time and money for something that''s rubbish. The money isn't important it's getting the results that is. I'm absolutely not a fan of Ainterol..I hate them soooo, soooo very much they insulted me and made me feel inadequate but...yes I do feel they have the real deal but they aren't the only ones that have it. Just a bit tricky to get the proper stuff but I do now know what it tastes like so know if I'm getting the real stuff .  Have to add have never ordered from them so cannot offer a proper opinion, however I do have tits through a lot of trial and error. But personally despite their reputation I would never order as they have insulted and upset me way to much to consider them as a serious business. I'm financially adequate to order their overpriced product but never will unless they offer me a free trial to review that wiill never happen,  but which  I would and honestly review without prejudice ...not going to happen which is a good thing as I dont want to write good things about them, am very anti them as I don't like strangers who are obviously lacking intellect or schooling violently insulting my intelligence. Sorry, am ranting about something that happened years ago, but don't like them and yes! There are other suppliers online offering the real stuff. IMO dont go Oxford thats really crap IMO really it is, did nothing for me and tastes like sawdust not pm

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