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PM and cholesterol levels


(17-08-2015, 06:33 PM)Agent J Wrote:  I have plenty of excuses just waiting to be used.

I have some pretty serious medical conditions that has me on a chemical daily routine of around 25 pills and a shot every day.

I have Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis or RRMS. For those who are not familiar with it, its similar to ALS. You know, the ice bucket challenge.

So I can blame any one or all of those for my breast growing "condition" and no one would be the wiser.

Its also why I started out with very low doses for a very long time to make sure I had no adverse reaction to the PM with my other medications or screwed up my bloodwork.

I figured that life is so short and I wanted to try and grow into the person I always felt I was.

Agent J

your last excuse is the best:

"I figured that life is so short and I wanted to try and grow into the person I always felt I was."

If we all were brave enough to use that one!


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