Breast Growth For Genetic Males
any comments on these formulas? (archive thread) - Printable Version

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any comments on these formulas? (archive thread) - admin - 10-08-2011

any comments on these formulas?
July 6 2007 at 2:50 PM
stefanie (Login stefanie_ss)



Supplemental Facts
Serving Size 2 capsules

Amount per serving
% Daily Value

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCI)
20mg 1200

Chastetree (berry)
152 mg **

Black Cohosh (root)
80 mg **

Paeoniae radix (root, Red Peony)
80 mg *

Dandelion (root)
56 mg *

Dong Quai (root)
56 mg *

Motherwort (aerial parts)
56 mg *

Stinging Nettle (leaf)
56 mg *

Ginger (root)
28 mg *

Valerain (root)
28 mg *

*Daily Value not established
**Guaranteed Potency Herb

recommended dosage: 6 caps per day.


Supplemental Facts
Serving Size 1 capsule

Amount per serving
% Daily Value

Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol)
100 IU 20

Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCI)
2 mg 100

Dong Quai (root)
150 mg *

Black Cohosh (root)
50 mg *

Chastetree (berry)
50 mg *

Fennel (seed)
10 mg *

Fenugreek (seed)
10 mg *

Licorice (root)
10 mg *

Raw Overian Tissue (bovine)
10 mg *

Raw Uterine Tissue (bovine)
10 mg *

Similax officinalis (root)
10 mg *

100 mcg *

recommended dosage: 2 caps per day.

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Author Reply
Fennel Fairy
(no login) My opinions: July 10 2007, 8:40 PM


Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCI) You can get that in any multivitamin formula
Chastetree (berry) Chasteberry (VITEX Agnus castus) doesn't have a feminizing effect. It balances OUT any hormone that you have raised levels of - if you are a biological woman. I am not convinced that Vitex works well in a biologically male system. It is generally used to ease symptoms of PMS and cyclical breast discomfort which are results of estrogen dominance. So Vitex lowers high estrogen levels. If you are taking estrogenic herbs - Vitex will simply work against that.
Black Cohosh (root) Doubtful effects, might even work against NBE
Paeoniae radix (root, Red Peony)
Dandelion (root) Balances hormones - that's not what you want, is it?
Dong Quai (root) Doubtful effects, might even work against NBE
Motherwort (aerial parts)
Stinging Nettle (leaf) It is the root that is the active part of the plant for NBE
Ginger (root)
Valerain (root) Do they mean "Valerian"? That is a sedative used to calm people down or help them sleep

recommended dosage: 6 caps per day.


Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol) You can get that in any multivitamin formula
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCI) You can get that in any multivitamin formula
Dong Quai (root) Doubtful effects,, might even work against NBE
Black Cohosh (root) Doubtful effects, might even work against NBE
Chastetree (berry) See above comment on Evanesce
Fennel (seed) This amount, 10 mg, is not enough to do ANYTHING whatsoever!
Fenugreek (seed) This amount, 10 mg, is not enough to do ANYTHING whatsoever!
Licorice (root)
Raw Ovarian Tissue (bovine) Is only effective when taken without any phytoestrogens
Raw Uterine Tissue (bovine) 10 mg - What's 10 mg of uterus going to be good for?
Similax officinalis (root)

recommended dosage: 2 caps per day.

(no login) Forgot to post this link: July 10 2007, 9:08 PM

A reminder about Dong Quai:

(no login) Re: any comments on these formulas? July 10 2007, 9:08 PM

Fen hit the nail on the head with her post!
You can get alot more and more potent stuff if you buy individual herbs or the ovary by its self, and it doesn't cost a lot of money.
True, Dong Qauy and many of the other ones they use in their formulas aren't very effective for NBE and they're very low doses, which means you need to take alot of the pills, which also means buying alot more product. Big Bucks my friend !!

(Login stefanie_ss) Re: any comments on these formulas? July 10 2007, 10:57 PM

thank you both for your imput. Smile