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A Topic Heading for info. about Oxytocin Stimulation.... (archive thread) - Printable Version

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A Topic Heading for info. about Oxytocin Stimulation.... (archive thread) - admin - 02-07-2011

A Topic Heading for info. about Oxytocin Stimulation....Hey, Fennel....
August 25 2007 at 4:45 AM Davilee (Login Davi-lee)


So far I've got::
>Black Cohosh
>Blue Cohosh
>Vervain-- Verbena officinalis

These stimulate uterine contractions.

I will post more in this thread.If Fennel or anybody has some info, pertaining to Oxytocin stim'ing or herbs that stimulate uterine contractions,please post here. Thanks.

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(Login Davi-lee) More possible oxytocin stimulators....... August 26 2007, 3:01 AM

Two more::
>Fairywand, Chamaelirium luteum (L)...possibly,not sure quite yet.I do know that the abilities are uterine tonic and menstruation promoter.

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(Login moonstruck61) Got Milk? August 28 2007, 5:00 AM

This stuff has a well proven track record for promoting lactation and is pretty safe.
It's also available without prescription in the US. Of course the site above doesn't require one to sell the product. Guess what I'm going to be ordering soon..

My private little stash of girly goodies:

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(Login Davi-lee) This is the oxytocin thread.... August 28 2007, 7:43 PM

That stimulates prolactin not oxytocin.....Ovytocin is my main interest for this thread nothing else..Im trying to keep it simple...

I wouldnt touch that motilium, the other name is Domperidone,its used for psych problems isnt it?? Isnt it for depression or something??
The med. stimulates sertonin levels Im guessing....or does something to the pituitary gland...the prolactin response is just a side effect....
AND...>>>Dopamine=bad for prolactin<<<,that's got nothing to do with above,I was just commenting on another reducer.

....Why do you want to take a med thats for something that you dont really have as a continuous condition?...Sounds dangerous....Its like spiractalone or whatever its called...the antiandrogen ability is just a side effect...its a diruretic drug for excreting water out of the body. Screw that...Im not taking that either...

Since being on my program,I have to pee more often...its like I lost my ability to hold my bladder or something...its not a prostate problem..its just something has changed in my ability to hold my bladder for along time...its like Im going along and all of a sudden Wham!..and I better get to the restroom or Im going to pee my pants.

Anyway,Geez.....No Thanks....I have enough problems with my own mental well being right now....and my innate depression thing....I dont need more crap giving me sideeffects that Im not prepared for.

There is a nice thread over yonder just about prolactin and all the factors that either promote it or reduce it.Its very interesting,you should go look.

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Fennel Fairy
(no login) Re: A Topic Heading for info. about Oxytocin Stimulation....Hey, Fennel.... August 28 2007, 7:57 PM

Hi D-Lee! I have still not looked into this oxytocin thing any further to be honest. It's intereesting though, if you are able to find a connection with the uterine tonics and oxytocin release. I'll take some time to look further into it during the weekend when I am child- and work-free.

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: A Topic Heading for info. about Oxytocin Stimulation....Hey, Fennel.... August 28 2007, 8:22 PM

Domperidone is for queasy stomaches. It's not a psych med. They plainly state that it doesn't even enter the brain at all.

It was originally prescribed for people with nausea and it was quickly discovered to have the side effect of promoting lactation.

Also, guess what else causes you to produce Oxytocin? You probably don't want to use *this* stuff but here it is anyway, Viagra.. Yep..

Viagra boosts feel-good 'love' hormone

* Story Highlights
* Impotence drugs may also boost levels of hormone linked with feelings of love
* Viagra raised levels of the hormone oxytocin in rats
* Oxytocin involved in nursing, childbirth and sexual pleasure

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Impotence drugs such as Viagra may do more than help men physically have sex -- they may also boost levels of a hormone linked with feelings of love, U.S. researchers reported Thursday.

Viagra, known generically as sildenafil, raised levels of the hormone oxytocin in rats, the team at the University of Wisconsin-Madison said in a report published in the Journal of Physiology.

This hormone is involved in nursing and childbirth but also in orgasm and feelings of sexual pleasure.

And it seems Viagra and related drugs act on the part of the brain that controls release of oxytocin, said Wisconsin physiology professor Meyer Jackson.

"This is one piece in a puzzle in which many pieces are still not available," Jackson said in a statement. "But it raises the possibility that erectile dysfunction drugs could be doing more than just affecting erectile dysfunction."

Viagra, made by Pfizer Inc., is an inhibitor of an enzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5. Related drugs such as Eli Lilly and Co.'s Cialis, known generically as tadalafil, and Levitra or vardenafil, sold by GlaxoSmithKline, Bayer AG and Schering-Plough, are also PDE-5 inhibitors.

They block this enzyme, which in turn breaks down other compounds. This increases blood flow in the muscles but it also affects a brain structure known as the posterior pituitary.

This, in turn, boosts oxytocin, at least in the rats. It probably does the same thing in people, Jackson said.

"It does the same thing it does in smooth muscle -- instead of (levels) coming down in a minute or two, they stay up a little longer," Jackson said in a telephone interview.

Oxytocin was known for years to be involved in labor and it is the hormone that causes the "let-down" of milk in breastfeeding babies. Only in recent decades has it been found to have a function in men -- in sexual arousal and function.

This could suggest other uses for Viagra and related drugs, Jackson said -- perhaps promoting social bonding.

"What I hope is that people read our paper who can test these ideas in animals and humans," Jackson said.

"I hope that this doesn't cause some wild orgy of inappropriate recreational use."

Some groups have complained that people use the impotence drugs for fun, instead of using them as prescribed for sexual dysfunction caused by low blood flow to the genitals.

The drugs can cause fatal side effects if used with certain other drugs, and some studies also suggest they may affect the eyes in some patients, so doctors stress they are not for casual use.

My private little stash of girly goodies:

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Fennel Fairy
(no login) Stimulating Oxytocin with Acupuncture or Acupressure August 28 2007, 8:29 PM

I found a snippet from an acupuncture website suggesting that there are certain pressure points where one can make the body release oxytocin.

I wonder where the actual points are though... Perhaps it is possible to find out.

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(Login Davi-lee) Thanks for info.....Morticia August 28 2007, 8:32 PM

Oops sorry..I thought I may be confusing different drugs.....

I was reading about those drugs on the **

Newman and Goldfarb protocols

It gives the entire plan and drugs needed to induce lactation.....Ive read it elsewhere also...that the same program will work for males also.
Like fathers who want to breastfeed..ya know.....

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(Login Davi-lee) To fennel.. August 30 2007, 9:04 PM

Yah,you should be able to find a book on acupressure points,its become more popular in recent times,so books on it should be easy to find.

im trying to get time to look for one myself because in reference to what you said this is very intriguing to me...

(Login Davi-lee) One book... September 1 2007, 11:39 AM

Amazon books...."Acupressure Potent Points"...
I havent had time to check it over i will on weekend and see if its any good.