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Closure - b-rose - 07-07-2015

I have been away from here for quite a while. I did pop back occasionally every so often over the years but I remember that this is where my journey to transition really began all those years ago. So it seems appropriate that I close my journey here in the forum where it started.

I started way back then with Fenugreek and Red Clover and got a bit of a sore chest. Moving to PM definitely gave me more than a sore chest and unlocked the restraints holding back my inner woman. Medical HRT followed and was like rocket fuel to my body, propelling it into transition at full speed. From that point I was on a journey which has finally come to an end, or what I deem as the end.

My name is changed, my paperwork has been altered, I have a new birth certificate and my SRS happened last week. Now I just have to take it easy and recover over the next few weeks. Few of the old names I knew so well are here, but I did notice "sfem" from back in the days when Chrissy, Pansy-Mae, JulieTG, Isabelle and I used to haunt this place.

Ah well... we all move on. Life has claimed me as an ordinary woman and so I move on too and leave the trappings of my transition process behind.

Thank you for the advice and company in my journey. I hope that you all get whatever you are seeking as well.

x x

RE: Closure - flamesabers - 08-07-2015

Hello B-Rose.

It's good to hear you've reached closure and are happy with where you are in life now. Smile

Feel free to hang around and contribute to the forum if you like. Big Grin

RE: Closure - sfem - 11-07-2015

Congrats on the happy point in your story, Beverly Rose (if it is still Beverly...). All the best with your next chapters!

RE: Closure - GoneGirl - 12-07-2015

That wonderful, B. I guess our paths never crossed here which is a shame, but it's nice to know that your journey has come to a place where you've achieved comfort and happiness. That's a goal many of us share. You've shown that it can be accomplished. And thanks for the status feedback. I hope to someday be able to post a 'Closure' thread myself.


RE: Closure - Happyme - 12-07-2015

Welcome back and I'm very happy your finally done with transition. Yippeee!
But I dont like the word closure, it sounds so terminal. Instead I think new beginning sounds better.
Like others have said please dont be a stranger, and share your experience.
Best of life

RE: Closure - b-rose - 12-07-2015

Hi sfem - yes it is me and I have indeed achieved a happier existence. I feel more content and at ease with myself than I have ever been previously.

Clara - I am sure that you wil achieve your goals. The journey is troublesome at times but the outcome is worth it.

Bobbi - "closure" is the right word because it is the end of my transition. There will indeed be a new beginning but this chapter needed ending before my new one opens up.

In spite of Flamesaber's invitation to hang around and contribute, I doubt that I will. Having read some of the other threads about the "boys club" and seeing some of the comments merely convinces me to move on. For those of you wishing to make a stand I wish you all the best in that endeavour, but I determined some years ago that as a TS there was not really a place for me in a "man with boobs" setting. I think recent events here merely confirm that my earlier judgment was correct.

This thread was really for two things: firstly, it allowed me to let any of my old contemporaries know the outcome of what had happened to me. Secondly, it allowed me to draw a line in the sand and it say "it ends here". For some reason I felt I needed to do that. It might make no sense to anyone else but I needed to do it.

RE: Closure - GoneGirl - 13-07-2015

I also see transitioning as having a beginning and an end. At first I called it a 'journey' with some ill-defined destination, but now it's a fairly well-defined trip with most of the details already worked out. It's just a matter of turning the crank.

I know where I'm going, and when I get there, my transition will have been completed. It won't take long. I've been on a tear for 10 months and estimate about another year to wrap it up. Living full-time in my natural gender changes the equation. When I wake up in the morning and my first thought is not about my gender, I'll know I have arrived.

I've already moved beyond many of my CD friends who seem to have found a stable sweet spot in their cross gender expression, and have trouble relating to me except as another CD. They are nice people, I'll always be a friend to them, but the cross dressing life is not where I'm at anymore. It makes me smile to watch the giddy glee my CD friends feel when an opportunity arises to get out en femme. I know what that was like so I don't fault them, but it's in my rear view mirror now. Ahead lies a different kind of happiness.

My DW and I see ourselves as a same-sex couple wanting to reach out to others like us, as well as to cisgender singles and couples that don't see us as anything but normal people who are fun to be around.


RE: Closure - Happyme - 13-07-2015

Thanks B,
You reminded me of something I had thought of many years ago. After transition and you are now a woman mentally and physically, Why does one need to 'trans' any more? Your now a beautiful woman. I wish the best of life.
well stated, Thank you.

RE: Closure - Miranda-nata-est - 14-07-2015

Once again Clara, you hit the nail on the head.

We are not different and divorced from the world, we are just a part of the world. Approached with the right attitude, the world is actually remarkably accepting of us and merging in seamlessly is eminently possible even when one's appearance is not yet as one would like it (mine, not yours I hasten to addSmile).

Hi B-Rose,

I don't think we were active here at BN at the same point in time but I wish you every success as you go forward. In some ways, this step is not as big as one imagines at the outset. The very fact that one is putting right something that has been so wrong for, in some cases, so long, makes the difficulties of the journey fade into insignificance.

Take care you and stay happy - it's a great life, so enjoy every moment!!!!
