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RE: Samantha's Program - GoneGirl - 08-03-2015

It's always a difficult matter to broach, terrifying in its downside possibilities, but when the trigger is finally pulled, the outcome can also be the dawning of a new day.

Here's to your new life, Sammie!

Clara SmileSmile

RE: Samantha's Program - EvaMarie - 08-03-2015

Congrats Samantha SmileCool

RE: Samantha's Program - The First Aria - 08-03-2015

Looking beautiful Sammy.

RE: Samantha's Program - Robbin - 05-04-2015

Very nice good luck with your progress . You helped a lot of people here and I think that is so great Big Grin

RE: Samantha's Program - MichelleM - 05-04-2015

Just seeing this now (life has been upside down lately). You look great, and so happy things are going so well for you!

RE: Samantha's Program - Heather-H - 05-04-2015

Sammie, I doubt many will be more delighted than me. You are a shining light to us all and everyone will be glowing with joy that finally you are being accepted as Sammie both at home and your workplace. My most sincere love and congratulations with your outing. Somehow, reading between the lines at Keystone, I had a premonition this was forthcoming. Oh Sammie dear I am so happy for you.

Lots of love

Heather XXX

RE: Samantha's Program - AnnieBL - 06-04-2015

Oh Sammie, I hope that you find your outing as wonderfully liberating as I did.SmileSmileSmile You have helped me so much that I can't adequately express my thanks beyond wishing you every happiness.Smile

My biggest problem now is my DW's insistence that I have no dress sense whatever. That red dress that I am wearing in my avatar is a particular hate of hers Although I rejoice in the freedom to experiment with pattern and colour, I certainly have difficulty in finding clothes that fit well on my upper body, particularly as my breasts are high on my long and reverse tapered rib cage, and most bras tend to pull them even higher even with the shoulder straps fully extended; on the other hand you always, but always, look gorgeous.TongueBig Grin

Here's to the full time Sammie XXX

RE: Samantha's Program - Samantha Rogers - 09-08-2015

Hi all! I must apologize for being absent so long but honestly I don't feel relevant here anymore after 17 months on pharma. If you want to find me I'm usually on Facebook and occasionally on plus we now have a website for the regular TG events I host in Detroit called Detoit Invasions. You can find it at Lots of pictures there. The events are four times a year and only about having fun - no classes, seminars, soccer moms, or luncheons...just clubbing, shopping, and socializing. You should come? Next one is in November.
As to me....I am pretty much female all the time now though on occasion I still crossdress as male for particular situations though I hate doing so. I am out at work and everyone is supportive. I don't go to great lengths to dress up there simply because I am too lazy, and usually rushed in the morning, so my appearance is borderline andro but definitely not male. The perks of working in a small creative office where everyone treats me like family.Smile
At home I am fully out with my kids and both are awesome. My daughter goes shopping with me, and both my son and daughter bought me women's clothing or accessories for Father's Day. My wife is still my best friend but we will separate this year because living together as room mates is holding both of us back. I want her to be happy. She loves me but wants a guy for a husband. I understand totally. More and more I am coming to the conclusion that I do, too. We will see how that goes. At my age I am under no illusion that I will find
I am enclosing pics so you can see fully how much I have changed. Change happens so slowly that most times you don't notice until one day you turn and catch sight of yourself in a mirror and ...WTF...its a wow moment of recognition. The male pic is from six years ago, sixty pounds heavier and just before joining this site and beginning PM. Note that in the work pics I am barely dressed...just some makeup and a girls tshirt (I know...I should have a bra...but ...honestly...wearing one all day is soooo uncomfortable and when I do wear one I cannot wait to get it off after work so often I just skip it LOL). Its just easier in the morning. The last pic is my everyday casual look. I still wear a wig though I don't need one Ill probably leave that behind.
Others like Clara, Sarah, Arielle and Eve have moved faster than I have, but we all face different situations, resources and challenges, and I am happy with my pace.
I will be moving into my own place soon and finally beginning the process of changing all my legal stuff. I can't wait for that.
At 62, I cannot say what is still in store for me. But knowing the choice was between a certain, and secure but miserable life or a happy one albeit often rough and with no promise of security...I'll take the latter.
What I am really about now is trying to help other girls.
For many girls simply transitioning and going stealth is the goal and I a fully supportive of that. However, far too many girls can never attain that goal and will live lonely solitary lives in the closet until things change socially. That simply breaks my heart.
I don't like porn and don't look at it, but it is a telling statistic that the single most profitable form of porn by far is the kind dealing with transgender women. Obviously, at least in the Vanilla world, there is a lot of hypocrisy going on.
I am filled with hope when I see college aged kids these days who simply don't care. I want to encourage every girl to simply get out in public and breathe freely. Until we all do, regardless of appearance, the world will never change. If we all act as though we are ashamed and insecure and embarrassed the world will continue to treat us as though we should feel that way. I want that to stop. That is part of why I stage the events I get girls out having fun and being free and realizing there is absolutely nothing wrong with us...what is wrong is how we are treated.
If I can make a small difference, I am happy. What happens to me....well, I don't really give a shit anymore, you know? lol


RE: Samantha's Program - Heather-H - 09-08-2015

Sami Darling,
You will no doubt be somewhat surprised to see me on the forum after some months of obscurity. TBH it was mainly getting the email notification of your post that prompted me to respond.

I will be brief for the sake of other respondents, I am so very very happy for you, as I have said before, you have been so very supportive to others and you deserve the very best. Your outcome is wonderful and I am sorry it has cost you your marriage in order to fulfill your lifelong dreams.

It cost me EVERYTHING to follow my dreams, wife, kids, grandchildren and my brother. I now live in my own apartment 24/7 as Heather and a complete new identity legally and socially. I remember Clara saying to me " it's a hell of a high price to pay" and she is so right.

You on the other hand have had to make one huge sacrifice (your marriage) but at least your SO is willing to retain you as a friend, that's brilliant. Mine took it so badly she actively poisoned people against me.

The work and activity with the Detroit Invasions is so unselfishly like you and brings me tears of joy just thinking about it. Keep up the good work Gal !

I'll not labour this point further, good luck and God Bless you. BTW love the photos, you have always been a stunner and somehow you have managed to turn the clock back even further.

Heather XXX

RE: Samantha's Program - Samantha Rogers - 09-08-2015

Oh Heather.... I am so sorry for everything you have lost. Omg.....big hugs, Sis.
All too often that is what happens to us, and it just furthers my point about breaking down societal prejudices about trans people. Things just have to change and , albeit slowly, they are. Sadly not quickly enough for you and I. But with luck and grace hopefully you will still find the partner you so richly deserve to share your loving heart with. Hopefully we both will.
Meantime, I guess we will both be in the same boat, alone but finally comfortable in our own skin. And yet .... We are not truly alone. The world is full of girls like us. One estimate says there are as many transgender people as there are red haired people and that is a lot of girls. The online community is our new mainstreet. It's not easy to cuddle up next to, but it does contain a multitude of awesome women all more than willing to be supportive.
We are pioneers, gf! So it can be tough. But we break down walls for others, and make the path more clear and easy for those behind us. Though it hurts a lot sometimes, I am more proud of being trans than of anything I have ever done and humbled to call so many awesome women, yourself included, my friends.
Hugs Big hugs